Rand writes:

Do the moral issues here seem murky to anyone else?

As I understand the situation, her bio was posted on a web page. As such, it was public. The Inspector wasn't snooping through her trash.

I don't have any idea why he would spend the time to investigate DSU "graduates" and contact others about those who claim to have degrees from that "institution". He might be a creep; he might be a wonderful person.

Based on the information provided, I don't think the situation is [link|http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=murky|murky]. She shouldn't have claimed to have a degree she didn't have. In doing so, she risked being discovered. I don't think any blame for her situation should be transferred to the Inspector.

I also feel that any disciplinary actions against her should be based on the policies of her employer and any mitigating circumstances should be fully considered. The Inspector's opinions shouldn't have any bearing on what happens to her.

My $0.02.
