Responsible Users
And a couple of high profile ones at that:
Harvard Law Professor Charles Nesson uses it as a mood stabilizer.
"While Nesson experimented once with cocaine and tried LSD, he says he uses marijuana as a way to think creatively about his work, and also as a mood stabilizer. His father had depression and for a period of years was catatonic, Nesson says. While he says he has never fallen into a major depression, he believes - and at least one of his doctors has concurred - that only marijuana offers effective relief for his history of hypomania, or mild, manic behavior. "
(Link is being removed from the web - here is google cache [link||])
And a Doctor Lester Grinspoon
"I was 44 years old in 1972 when I experienced my first marijuana high. Because I found it both useful and benign, I have used it ever since."
"Packed like lemmings into shiny metal boxes.
Contestants in a suicidal race."
- Synchronicity II - The Police
Responsible Users
And a couple of high profile ones at that:
Harvard Law Professor Charles Nesson uses it as a mood stabilizer.
"While Nesson experimented once with cocaine and tried LSD, he says he uses marijuana as a way to think creatively about his work, and also as a mood stabilizer. His father had depression and for a period of years was catatonic, Nesson says. While he says he has never fallen into a major depression, he believes - and at least one of his doctors has concurred - that only marijuana offers effective relief for his history of hypomania, or mild, manic behavior. "
(Link is being removed from the web - here is google cache [link||])
And a Doctor Lester Grinspoon
"I was 44 years old in 1972 when I experienced my first marijuana high. Because I found it both useful and benign, I have used it ever since."
"Packed like lemmings into shiny metal boxes.
Contestants in a suicidal race."
- Synchronicity II - The Police