Truer words were never spoken.
To achieve peace, one must prepare for war.
When one is not prepared for war, then peace will be achieved at a price - many times a terrible price. The last ten years of "peacekeeping" missions has been an abomination on the Constitution. The US Government is supposed to provide for the protection and defense of the citizens of the United States. One can argue that the defense of Western Europe (during the cold war) was such a defense. One can argue that the Gulf War was such a defense (defending our allies, and also our oil supply.)
But Bosnia? Somalia? Haiti? We have no frickin' business in any of those places. There is no constitutional interest in any of those places.
Now, with Afghanistan/Taliban a willing participant in terrorism against us, they are, I would think, a legitimate Constitutionally correct target. Take the Taliban out, whatever it takes, and try to snag bin Laden where he tries to flee to. Then, like a whack-a-mole, work on the next terrorist.