Can't vet your recollections.
(I'd be surprised though, to hear that a Cisitalia model ever Had a back seat ;-)
I did once see / touch a real Merc. SLR (of the ill-fated '55 Le Mans crash/fire) magnesium body - at Mercedes museum in Stuttgart.
(The troops were more fascinated by my new red A-H Sprite! than - about Their stuff!) Cackle.. I let one of 'em drive it about the parking lot, while I was seeing about getting a service manual for a friend's 300SL gullwing.
(That had *no* power steering and drove like truck. 'Course over 200 kph it all smoothed out, I'm told)
It was much more fun bein car-nutz before Evrybody thought they knew what was Kool... and we got the Thunderbird, and proved in Murica that,
When Murica builds a small car.. it will be the longest, widest heaviest lo-mileage! small car the world has ever seen ..and, that's what we did :-)