Post #92,694
3/28/03 10:51:02 PM

Does "Niger" ring a bell?
Bush claimed that he had evidence that Iraq tried to buy nuclear material from Niger.
Yet that claim (and the documents that it was "based" on) have since been shown to be bad fakes.
Now we get into the Mr. Pathetic loop where more and more examples are demanded.
Post #92,700
3/28/03 11:03:19 PM

Re: Does "Niger" ring a bell?
Well, they should have known not to trust anything coming from Nigera.
Post #92,703
3/28/03 11:08:19 PM

So our current regime is a bunch of idiots?
Well, they should have known not to trust anything coming from Nigera.
I'm sure it started off with "FROM JOHN ZMABOSLY. URGENTLY ADVICE UPON YOUR READING. THIS MATTER I TRUST YOU SHALL AND I HANDLE IN THE UTMOST OF CONFIDENCE AND DISCREETLY." So you admit that they were wrong on that one item. But you claim that all of the other examples are worthless? ahahhahahahahahahahahaah
Post #92,705
3/28/03 11:14:13 PM

Re: So our current regime is a bunch of idiots?
You obviously missed something. That document was handed to them by a foreign source that apparently at least one lackey trusted. Stuff gains credibility as it rises up the chain of command.
That is a HUGE difference from stating wild theories such as self-terrorism and manufacturing entire weapons dumps and banned bio/chem weapons.
Post #92,712
3/28/03 11:24:54 PM

You are wrong, again.
Stuff gains credibility as it rises up the chain of command. No, you are wrong. Stuff gains credibility when it is CHECKED and VERIFIED by the appropriate agencies. Well, unless you're an idiot or someone with an agenda who doesn't WANT it checked and verified. Hmmm, like our current regime.
Post #92,715
3/28/03 11:32:09 PM

Side note. Brandi is right when he stresses the idiocy of
current and also the past administration. These people are quite a bit less smarter than the folks around here and a lot more venal. Remember W.C. Fields you cant cheat an honest man. Intel gets swagged, ignored and filtered by policy wonks with agendas as opposed to collecting humint or elintas opposed to the old verification and rated before being sent to analysts without agendas. This product would then be presented by people with agendas but with access to the datastream. Classic example was Gore being duped by the Russians because of filters imposed by the top down. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Since corporations are the equivelent of human but they have no "concience" they are by definition sociopaths
Post #92,807
3/29/03 11:40:12 AM
3/29/03 1:43:25 PM

Re: Does "Niger" ring a bell?
Well, they should have known not to trust anything coming from Nigera[sic]
--followed by allusion to 419 scam.
It's "Niger," you ninny, not "Nigera" or, as you appear to have meant, "Nigeria." (You were very likely not aware of the existence of Niger, were you?) One of the tipoffs in the faked documents was the forged signature of a senior official on one of the critical documents--a senior official who'd been replaced ten years earlier (try to imagine, provided the names mean anything to you, that Chomsky's crowd came out with a State Department document addressed to Dubya and signed by John Foster Dulles, or even James Baker as SecState. The document comes to them from British Intelligence: it must be legit, right? So you'd have us believe, in post 92705).
You've now demonstrated an equally shaky grasp of history, geography and politics. It is scarcely to be wondered at that you have proven yourself the ideal consumer of the chocolate-coated horseshit the administration is selling. Ah, youth!
[edit: "document" added to penultimate sentence in main paragraph]
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."

Edited by rcareaga
March 29, 2003, 01:43:25 PM EST
Post #92,820
3/29/03 1:02:47 PM

Re: Does "Niger" ring a bell?
Sorry, it's been while since I had every African, European, and Asian country memorized, with their major cities and rivers, and could draw the boundaries, cities, and rivers on a blank piece of paper.
But yes, I did know of the existence, however I speed read and filled in a few extra letters.
Post #92,856
3/29/03 3:05:52 PM

Translation: "I have trouble reading English."
Post #92,840
3/29/03 2:13:24 PM

I'd also like to pose a personal attack.
Throughout your posts, you have had such a suffocating, revolting style of self-importance, arrogance, disdain, and pride...I am seriously amazed that you have not committed suicide because the world is not worthy of your presence.
Post #92,841
3/29/03 2:15:47 PM

**Yes!!** It **rings a bell!**
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."