America West (aka America Worst) is the absolute worst.
Example case:
Theoretical flight: LAX to Vegas to ORD (O'Hare)
Depart LAX 7:20 am, arrive ORD 3:30pm
Actual flight:
Depart LAX 7:20am, arrive Vegas 8:10am
I noticed when we were descending that the pilot was overworking the controls a bit. Yes, it was windy, but the descent could have been done better by a 10 hour student. We land and are told by customer service that O'Hare is closed due to "wind". Several folks with cell phones call and discover that planes are landing and taking off on time at ORD. I find the AW given reason interesting because I am a student pilot with only a couple of hours. When I get up to the counter I ask, "Exactly how hard is the wind blowing in Chicago?" I'm told "15-20 mph with gusts to 25". I say, "Okay, let's cut out the nonsense shall we? I fly a Cessna 150, I've had about 4 lessons and I, personally, have flown and landed in winds in excess of that." Eventually, I'm sent on a flight to Phoenix, bumped to 1st class and arrive in Chicago at 2am the next day.
The poor bastards in Vegas who didn't know any better had to somehow find rooms for the night ON THEIR OWN and pay for those rooms OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKETS. That's right, all AW flights from Vegas to Chicago were cancelled for the entire day and the airline didn't offer to put anyone up for the night.
It was only from my bitching and unwillingness to swallow bullshit from the airlines that I got my family back to Chicago when I did.
America Worst - they are as fucked up a company as you can find and not be chaired by William Gates, III. (Aside: yes, they're the airlines with the drunken pilots at the gate)