Post #91,329
3/25/03 9:14:40 AM

This is the easy part.
The hard part hasn't happened yet.
And I'm still not seeing any nuke/chem/bio usage that you claimed.
But then you've lied in the past.
Post #91,340
3/25/03 9:56:44 AM

Not in the briefing, But
US military leaders admit that the casualties in the "Battle of Baghdad" could go as high as 1,000 US dead.
I think he's low by a factor of 3x to 5x if chem/bio weapons are used, but we're in the fight now and we have to win.
Post #91,350
3/25/03 10:40:38 AM

I think he's low by a factor of 3x to 5x if chem/bio weapons are used, but we're in the fight now and we have to win. Why do "we have to win"?
Post #91,365
3/25/03 11:47:51 AM

Why do "we have to win"?
Because we have so little goodwill left in the rest of the world that our survival will henceforth be founded on intimidation, which will be seriously impaired if we are perceived to be "defeated." Because the junta could not politically survive it (they might not survive the tarbaby-to-be, but if our "Coalition of the Kicking and Screaming" withdraws from Iraq with its existing government remaining intact, it will require some superhuman spinmeistering to make the next election even close, which condition will be required if they are to have a prayer of stealing it).
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #91,366
3/25/03 11:58:56 AM
3/25/03 12:11:38 PM

I agree there
This war was started by a few incredibly stupid and incredibly arrogant men on both sides, for their own agrandisment and profit.
The U.S. is now backed into a corner with nowhere to turn. We must win this war, in a short time and with minimal casualties.
This leaves responsible citizens with the difficult task of supporting our troops in Iraq, while working to tear our own "leadership" out by the roots and bury it in a toxic waste dump.
Post #91,371
3/25/03 12:03:03 PM

Well Said, I agree
Post #91,373
3/25/03 12:08:13 PM

while working to tear our own "leadership" out by the roots and bury it in a toxic waste dump
A base libel on toxic waste dumps everywhere.
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #91,507
3/25/03 6:13:26 PM

Well said - mature opinions regin again
Anyone notice that there is a big difference between those posters who have the experience and insight to test what we are told and then agree/disagree with those less experienced & with little insights who are only able to take what others say & either support it or oppose it without any real ability to question it.
This seems to me to be where a big gap exists between two general groups of posters that have emerged here. I think there is an age & world experience gap showing.
Doug Marker
Spectres from our past: Beware the future when your children & theirs come after you for what you may have been willing to condone today - dsm 2003 Motivational: When performing activities, ask yourself if the person you most want to be would do, or say, it - dsm 2003
Post #91,511
3/25/03 6:22:56 PM

Where do you draw the line, gramps? :-)
Post #91,525
3/25/03 7:20:36 PM

<vbg> entirely beneath the maturity & insights of the poster
that is worldexperience & 'age'
(like a good wine)
Gramps (still haven't got to NZ yet to see Miss 11 & Master 12)
Spectres from our past: Beware the future when your children & theirs come after you for what you may have been willing to condone today - dsm 2003 Motivational: When performing activities, ask yourself if the person you most want to be would do, or say, it - dsm 2003
Post #91,372
3/25/03 12:04:55 PM

Oh. Okay. :)
Post #91,376
3/25/03 12:11:30 PM

Why we have to win?
Because there's a good possibility that a loss would result in oil prices skyrocketing, markets significantly contracting, unemployment getting much worse,....
But then that's a major backdrop of why we're going in there in the first place.
Post #91,364
3/25/03 11:42:54 AM

I think he's low period
Baghdad is a city of millions, almost all of whom who can will fight. It's going to make Basra and Nasiriya look like a walk in the park.
--\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n* Jack Troughton jake at *\r\n* [link||] [link|irc://|irc://] *\r\n* Kingston Ontario Canada [link|news://|news://] *\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
Post #91,387
3/25/03 12:41:05 PM

right, thats why they shipped 10k body bags out of macdill
I think it will be far higher than 1-2 thousand and am hoping it does not come to that. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Since corporations are the equivelent of human but they have no "concience" they are by definition sociopaths