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New Re: How many WOULD have been sufficient?
*shakes head* so clueless....

A war is not won by trickling troops in to die, making them stay there until they die, sending just enough troops in the replace the ones that died, letting them get picked off one by one, not confronting the enemy and not going for total victory.

You reinforced my point above better than I could have ever done. The US had lots of troops, maybe enough to mount some serious attacks, but did not consistently organize troops and coordinate attacks. The leaders were divided and not willing to plan total victory. Simply having military troops and military weapons does not equate to an organised force.

There were some examples of battles fought in Vietnam that WERE planned, and used the troops efficiently. I spoke with one man who was involved...he said the VC were obliterated, pushed back, their group was barreling across the country...then they were ordered to pull back. Later on, they were ordered to repeat their assault and retake what they had taken before...then ordered back. Idiotic top level leadership.
New And you add ANOTHER layer of excuses.
So, because Charlie didn't have centralized control, high tech commo, fast deployment......

He still beat us because:
You reinforced my point above better than I could have ever done. The US had lots of troops, maybe enough to mount some serious attacks, but did not consistently organize troops and coordinate attacks. The leaders were divided and not willing to plan total victory. Simply having military troops and military weapons does not equate to an organised force.

There were some examples of battles fought in Vietnam that WERE planned, and used the troops efficiently. I spoke with one man who was involved...he said the VC were obliterated, pushed back, their group was barreling across the country...then they were ordered to pull back. Later on, they were ordered to repeat their assault and retake what they had taken before...then ordered back. Idiotic top level leadership.
Yes, I see.

I see that you will make up ANY excuse to "justify" your claims.

The only proof is prediction.

[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=91090|I am a GOD!]

The part YOU still don't understand is that ANYONE can find SOME excuse for why their claims do NOT apply in an example.

Meanwhile, I had posted my prediction about how this war would go BEFORE we attacked.

And my prediction has proven accurate.

The only proof is prediction.

So, without good commo, a defensive force will fail unless the attacking force's leaders do not plan total victory.

Yet, that does not seem to apply to Afghanistan where they do not have good commo and our leaders did plan for total victory, yet our troops come under fire at least once a week.

So, to answer that you'll add ANOTHER layer of excuses.
New Re: And you add ANOTHER layer of excuses.
Excuses for what? "The War on Terror" was not a war. It was hunting down individuals across national boundaries, involving the police of different countries as much as our military. The objective, as you seem to have missed, was not to take over the Afghanistan people. It is an ongoing police action against international criminals.

You are so hung up on your predictions, you'll never accept anything that contradicts what you predicted. That's fine, go on living in your own little world.
New Like I said, another layer of excuses.
Excuses for what? "The War on Terror" was not a war. It was hunting down individuals across national boundaries, involving the police of different countries as much as our military.
They have bad commo and our leaders were dedicated to total victory but they're still fighting back because.......

it wasn't really a "war".

Meanwhile, my predictions seem to be happening just as I've stated they would.

Iraq did NOT use nuke/chem/bio.
Iraqi troops ARE fighting from within cities instead of in the open.
The US is killing civilians.

You are so hung up on your predictions, you'll never accept anything that contradicts what you predicted. That's fine, go on living in your own little world.
Well, you can claim that, but you have yet to provide any information that contradicts my predictions.

Iraq did NOT use nuke/chem/bio.
Iraqi troops ARE fighting from within cities instead of in the open.
The US is killing civilians.

Hmmmm, so I'm "clueless" but capable of predicting events with near God-like accuracy.

Meanwhile, you add layer after layer after layer of excuses why what you claim is NOT happening.


The only proof is prediction.

The reason you have to layer on excuse after excuse after excuse is because you are starting with FALSE ASSUMPTIONS.

Therefore, you have to provide a SPECIAL CASE for each and every example.

When every example is a special case, the likelyhood is that your basis is flawed.

The only proof is prediction.
New Re: Like I said, another layer of excuses.
Iraq did NOT use nuke/chem/bio.
Iraqi troops ARE fighting from within cities instead of in the open.
The US is killing civilians.

1. The war is not over (it actually began with Desert Storm, this has been a cease-fire), so all you can claim is WMD have not been used YET.
2. I never heard anyone say all the fighting would be out in the open. I fully expected the troops (the ones that have a death wish to fight) would pull into civilian districts out of cowardice. If they are willing to die, then let them die...not take civilians with them.
3. Never heard a claim that civilians wouldn't be killed. An effort would be made to keep the casualties to an absolute minimum, but it gets difficult when civilians are being herded into military installations and troops are sitting tanks in between apartment buildings.

The reason you have to layer on excuse after excuse after excuse is because you are starting with FALSE ASSUMPTIONS.

Therefore, you have to provide a SPECIAL CASE for each and every example.

When every example is a special case, the likelyhood is that your basis is flawed.

I'm not sure what excuses you are referring to. Is your definition of an excuse something like "relating facts and opinion counter to my godlike prediction capabilities"?

Well, I like examples. Everything is a special case. You like examples too, when they support your opinion. What false assumption did this thread start on?
New And even more excuses from you.
1. The war is not over (it actually began with Desert Storm, this has been a cease-fire), so all you can claim is WMD have not been used YET.
And I will predict that they will NOT be used.

You are free to predict that they WILL be used.

Although, at this point, I understand your reluctance to do so.

2. I never heard anyone say all the fighting would be out in the open. I fully expected the troops (the ones that have a death wish to fight) would pull into civilian districts out of cowardice. If they are willing to die, then let them die...not take civilians with them.
It isn't "cowardice". If they are in the open, they will die from our long range weapons. I'm sure that if it came down to hand-to-hand combat, they'd be happy to take on our troops. Or do you think our troops were "cowards" in the first Gulf War because we wouldn't do mass charges at their dug in positions and, instead, bombed them?

3. Never heard a claim that civilians wouldn't be killed. An effort would be made to keep the casualties to an absolute minimum, but it gets difficult when civilians are being herded into military installations and troops are sitting tanks in between apartment buildings.
Ummm, you really don't understand modern urban combat, do you? We are taking CITIES. The troops and equipment will be INSIDE those cities.

Again, you can come up with all the excuses you need to "correct" your position.

We are invading Iraq. The Iraqi military will dig into civilian areas and we will have to kill LOTS of civilians to get them out.

Which is what I predicted.

You make excuses about how it is the fault of the Iraqi troops that they don't stay in the open so we can kill them at long range and "Free" Iraq without losing any of our troops.

I'm not sure what excuses you are referring to.
The excuses you keep giving. The defenders need good commo or they'll lose. Excuse: except in Vietnam because our leaders didn't want total victory. Excuse: except in Afghanistan where they had bad commo and our leaders wanted total victory because it wasn't really a "war".

Those excuses.

Is your definition of an excuse something like "relating facts and opinion counter to my godlike prediction capabilities"?
Nope. An "excuse" is an "excuse" you give AFTER the fact because something didn't work out the way you said it would.

Well, I like examples. Everything is a special case.
No. Everything is NOT a special case.

That is the reason I am able to predict the future with such amazing accuracy and you have to retreat to excuses.

What false assumption did this thread start on?
Here's a [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=90895|link] to one of your posts in this thread where you start with a false assumption (that Iraq has nuke/chem/bio weapons) and then you layer on the excuses as to why such have not been found or used.
New Re: And you add ANOTHER layer of excuses.
Excuses for what? "The War on Terror" was not a war. It was hunting down individuals across national boundaries, involving the police of different countries as much as our military. The objective, as you seem to have missed, was not to take over the Afghanistan people. It is an ongoing police action against international criminals.

Right now, it looks like a war. Or is Iraq not a war on terror? If it's not, what is it exactly?


What happened in Afghanistan, if not a war? We had units in Afghanistan, and it sure looked like they were in a war from what we heard about what was happening to them, and from what they told us when they came back. In fact, a goal in Afghanistan was regime change; getting rid of the Taliban. That was a stated goal of the coalition that went in there. Regime change, and a military campaign... what is it if it's not war? Or are you going to start leaning on legalistic splitting of hairs about what is and is not a war?


Also, Bush had the opportunity to make bin Laden and al-Qaida into criminals in how he reacted to 9/11, but he blew it, and turned them into warriors and martyrs instead. They should have treated this as a criminal issue, not a war issue. It would have promoted clearer thinking and better decision making if they had. However, it very nicely dovetailed into their existing views on how the US should position itself in the global community, so they used it.

You are so hung up on your predictions, you'll never accept anything that contradicts what you predicted. That's fine, go on living in your own little world.

Those grapes were sour anyway. If you want to shut him up, find something that contradicts his prediction. The problem is you can't, yet.


Cybermace, you're the one that looks like you're living in a dreamworld to me. Watch... even after Saddam falls, western soldiers will continue getting killed in Iraq. Do you think that the Iraqi are going to start dancing in the streets when Saddam falls? What's your prediction about what will happen when Saddam falls?


Now, as Brandioch likes to harp on about prediction, my prediction is that the people in the south of Iraq (Shia) wait for you to kill the regime (Hussein and his top people) in Baghdad, and then turn on the allied forces.


Say, Cybermace, did you see the picture of the little girl being pulled out of the rubble in Basra? Did you see what was hanging out the bottom of her right pant leg? It was her foot. Go take a look at that picture, and perhaps you'll appreciate why the help perhaps is not being that well appreciated. She's going to lose her foot at minimum, and probably most of her lower leg.


Have you considered the possibility that your government and media are lying to you? Or perhaps are trying to deceive you? Your journalists hopped on board to become "embedded" in your armed forces... ours didn't. Perhaps you should try getting some of your war information from other parts of the world. I have the rare good fortune to live with a Russian and a Chinese guy, and they've been filling me in on what their media have been saying about what's happening over there. So far, they're being quite accurate, and tend to be breaking stories a LOT sooner than they are being broken by US or even Canadian media. Example: the Chinese broke the story of POWs around 20 hours before al-Jazeera even did, and the NA media didn't break anything until after al-Jazeera. Do you think that if perhaps al-Jazeera hadn't broken that story, perhaps no one would've known at all? After all, they were only replaying what they taped off the Iraqi television stations. Why aren't CNN watching Iraqi media and telling you about what they're saying on it right away?

--\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n* Jack Troughton                            jake at consultron.ca *\r\n* [link|http://consultron.ca|http://consultron.ca]                   [link|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca] *\r\n* Kingston Ontario Canada               [link|news://news.consultron.ca|news://news.consultron.ca] *\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
New the 4th Estate is heard (or not, as may be)
The idea of embedding journalists with troops was a masterstroke. The White House certainly knew that reporters would bond with their units and identify with them. In effect, the press would serve as P.R. flacks for the operation, especially since one of the stipulations in granting the media access was that every interview would be on the record. So much for any of the soldiers criticizing the prosecution of the war. This was coverage that was virtually certain to be uncritical and supportive, essentially cheerleading...But the administration wasn't just relying on proximity. It also felt confident enough to embed the press because it knew this current generation of reporters, unlike the skeptical Vietnam generation, was not likely to challenge the conventional wisdom. This bunch was reliably docile. It was one of this claque, after all, that actually asked President Bush at a recent press conference how his faith was sustaining him in these troubled times. These guys were patsies.



"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
New Re: And you add ANOTHER layer of excuses.
What a welcome relief, someone who actually takes some time to think and come up with some serious discussion. Someone who isn't focused on the war for the sole purpose of claiming it is going according to prediction.

You bring up many excellent points. I cannot argue about what happens in a war, I cannot argue that our media leaves much to be desired. I am not basing my opinions on the accounts our media provides, nor am I swallowing everything al-jazeera says.

The only part I take issue with is this:
Those grapes were sour anyway. If you want to shut him up, find something that contradicts his prediction. The problem is you can't, yet.

Cybermace, you're the one that looks like you're living in a dreamworld to me. Watch... even after Saddam falls, western soldiers will continue getting killed in Iraq. Do you think that the Iraqi are going to start dancing in the streets when Saddam falls? What's your prediction about what will happen when Saddam falls?

...simply because it is not over yet, and I do not believe anyone can truly predict what will happen in the next few weeks. I hope that the Iraqi people will be able to recover from decades of demoralization and oppression, but that will depend on what the rest of the world does.
New Hey, that's my prediction
Whether I'm right or not, only time will tell. That is my take on the likely outcome in southern Iraq, that's all: after Saddam is killed and his regime falls, I think the Shia in southern Iraq are going to turn on the coalition in a very big way. Time will tell whether I'm right.

I should perhaps underscore the fact that I have little doubt that Saddam's regime is going to fall. The question is, what happens after that? That's going to be the hard part... and the serious death toll in and blockading of Basra (no electricity or water now for over 72 hours, ongoing bombardment) is not going to help with how the locals (no friends of Saddam in southern Iraq) see the continued presence of US and UK forces.

As for Brandioch, so far his predictions have been borne out by the facts. He'd probably be more convincing if he didn't gloat about that so much, but then again, he's military; exulting in victory is what they do:]

/me puts on the asbestos suit.

Don't forget, the further into central Iraq the coalition goes, the more difficult it's going to get... Saddam's regime is Sunni, and so is the area around Baghdad. The local population is going to be even more hostile than it is in the south.

--\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n* Jack Troughton                            jake at consultron.ca *\n* [link|http://consultron.ca|http://consultron.ca]                   [link|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca|irc://irc.ecomstation.ca] *\n* Kingston Ontario Canada               [link|news://news.consultron.ca|news://news.consultron.ca] *\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
New That is because you do not understand.
The only proof is prediction.

...simply because it is not over yet, and I do not believe anyone can truly predict what will happen in the next few weeks.
Well I can.

#1. Saddam will STILL not use nuke/chem/bio.

#2. US forces will take MORE hits as they fight through the cities.

#3. Within the next month, Saddam will be killed and the US will declare "victory".

#4. The fighting will continue in "isolated" incidents attributed to "terrorists".

The only proof is prediction.

Those who cannot make accurate predictions do NOT have a sufficient understanding of the situation.

Which results in the need for them to makes excuses when events do not unfold "correctly".
     Bingo... - (gdaustin) - (59)
         ROFLMAO! - (mmoffitt) - (15)
             we might well find legit sh*t, we havnt found it yet -NT - (boxley) - (14)
                 We stood a better chance with inspectors. - (mmoffitt) - (13)
                     Re: We stood a better chance with inspectors. - (cybermace5) - (12)
                         Nice lampoon. - (jake123) - (1)
                             Re: Nice lampoon. - (cybermace5)
                         Reasoned rebuttal. - (jake123) - (1)
                             Re: Reasoned rebuttal. - (cybermace5)
                         Re: We stood a better chance with inspectors. - (dmarker) - (7)
                             Another of Marlowe's friends from school? - (Brandioch) - (6)
                                 Re: Another of Marlowe's friends from school? - (cybermace5) - (5)
                                     Yep, another of his high school friends. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                                         Exactly, you finally are kind of getting it... - (screamer)
                                     Saddam's not dead - (jake123) - (2)
                                         which sadaam, there is several you know -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                             One Dubya is one Dubya too many <grin> -NT - (dmarker)
         It was not immediately clear what chemicals were being - (boxley) - (3)
             Not sure what legit chemical factory would need... - (admin) - (2)
                 US has been bombing Iraq since Gulf War 1 - (jake123) - (1)
                     I'll accept that... - (admin)
         So why haven't they used any yet? -NT - (Brandioch) - (37)
             bingo...maybe not - (rcareaga) - (36)
                 I like this quote. - (Brandioch) - (35)
                     Re: I like this quote. - (cybermace5) - (34)
                         Marlowe should have briefed you better. - (Brandioch) - (33)
                             Re: Marlowe should have briefed you better. - (cybermace5) - (32)
                                 It's better to leave live agents with the enemy? - (Brandioch) - (31)
                                     And more. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                                         Re: And more. - (cybermace5)
                                     Re: It's better to leave live agents with the enemy? - (cybermace5) - (28)
                                         So, you pile excuse on excuse on excuse? - (Brandioch) - (27)
                                             Re: So, you pile excuse on excuse on excuse? - (cybermace5) - (26)
                                                 Vietnam - (Brandioch) - (24)
                                                     Big difference - (cybermace5) - (23)
                                                         Parallels... - (ChrisR) - (4)
                                                             And one other thought... - (ChrisR) - (2)
                                                                 And another... - (ChrisR) - (1)
                                                                     +10 for insight. - (Brandioch)
                                                             Re: Parallels... - (deSitter)
                                                         How many WOULD have been sufficient? - (Brandioch) - (15)
                                                             The biggest difference.... - (ChrisR) - (3)
                                                                 :) But if no one watches it on TV, does it matter? - (Brandioch) - (2)
                                                                     Afghanistan has been a good theatre for us. - (ChrisR) - (1)
                                                                         My problem with Afghanistan is..... - (Brandioch)
                                                             Re: How many WOULD have been sufficient? - (cybermace5) - (10)
                                                                 And you add ANOTHER layer of excuses. - (Brandioch) - (9)
                                                                     Re: And you add ANOTHER layer of excuses. - (cybermace5) - (8)
                                                                         Like I said, another layer of excuses. - (Brandioch) - (2)
                                                                             Re: Like I said, another layer of excuses. - (cybermace5) - (1)
                                                                                 And even more excuses from you. - (Brandioch)
                                                                         Re: And you add ANOTHER layer of excuses. - (jake123) - (4)
                                                                             the 4th Estate is heard (or not, as may be) - (rcareaga)
                                                                             Re: And you add ANOTHER layer of excuses. - (cybermace5) - (2)
                                                                                 Hey, that's my prediction - (jake123)
                                                                                 That is because you do not understand. - (Brandioch)
                                                         absolute horse sh*t - (boxley) - (1)
                                                             boxley brings us truth in labeling! - (rcareaga)
                                                 welcome to khassim :0 -NT - (boxley)
         The only proof is prediction. - (Brandioch)

No, not really.
79 ms