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New Re: Answer: ___Arthur C. Clarke + Stephen Baxter's [Review]
I am less than impressed with Stephen Baxter. His books have more than an element of sameness beyond the Earth usually if not always (in the 2 books of his that I've read plus another about which I've been told) getting destroyed.
New Guess I'll have to look at his other opera
My presumption is that the major plot-line is Clarke's, so I didn't pay much critical attention to trying to separate-out narrative style. I thought that the ideas transcended the storytelling..

Obv YMDV (did vary) ;-)


(No, he ain't a replacement for Vonnegut, but then..)
     Answer: ___Arthur C. Clarke + Stephen Baxter's [Review] - (Ashton) - (2)
         Re: Answer: ___Arthur C. Clarke + Stephen Baxter's [Review] - (qstephens) - (1)
             Guess I'll have to look at his other opera - (Ashton)

I'm sorry ... I have to go Google your threat.
55 ms