Russia has been fighting a bloody war with islamic fundamentalism-inspired foes for a very long time, from Afghanistan through Chechnya (remember the Moscow apartment highrises blown up with many hundreds killed?). Moslem nationalism was one of the centrifugal forces cited in Amalryk's "Will the Soviet union survive until 1984" as undermining the Soviet Empire (I remember reading my dad's copy in the very early '70s, amazed at the predicted dissolution of the seamingly monolithic power.)
We will need their support, as well as the support of many others in the region. I hope whatever actions we take can have the support of the "common people" in the region as well. During WWII, the allies were seen as a liberating force by most Italians (particularly after 1943 of course) even though the bombings of cities were often terrible. I believe many Kuwaitis probably felt similarly in 1991. Will this sort of thing be possible? If not, the coming struggle will be indeed long, costly, and gruesome.