She and John Birch Society soulmates always wanted to Impeach Earl Warren! and US Out of the UN! Kill the Commies Under Your Bed! cha cha cha

Us <------VS------> Them Forever!
(Make more nukes - more than All the Others - threaten to Use Them against Them)
Forever. I see. Even 50 years! later the virus thrives.

I'm sorry, but we live in a dark world ruled by evil, greedy people who lead nations with lots of guns, and bombs, and tanks, and ships, and planes. Each country has it's own agenda determined by the preferences of it's leadership.

The UN attempts to get nations to all agree to similar rules and protocols, but it only works about 10-20 years, then the agendas of the nations diverge and the UN breaks up.

Sorry, but the UN works only as long as everyone wants to play along.
Indeed - perish the thought that you have perfectly described the USA-2002, that you don't even *see* the irony of your description of.. *US* and of any lingering chances for homo-sap ever to grow up, via self-discipline.

Yours is the pure strain of Xenophobic Disease, unencumbered by the thought process. (And, I'll bet: 'pious' as Hell. Every Sunday.. for about an hour.)
