Kay Bailey Hutchison is proposing reinstating the Air Marshal program from the 1970's.
I see the current efforts by the FAA as a band aid on an artery.
I like the idea of Air Marshals, but one guy isn't going to successfully defend a plane against 4-5 hijackers. I like the idea of allowing "responsible gun owners", soldiers/officers, law enforcement to be allowed to carry guns on airplanes provided they don't have a criminal record, they don't drink inflight, and that the pilot is aware of exactly who has guns. And yes, maybe they even get 1st class.
The other thing I keep saying is that carry-on luggage has to go away. I know it's unpopular to think about that, but unless every bag is hand checked by security prior to entering the gate area, ( something we cannot afford to do in the cost of time with medium sized/large bags ), then we cannot be sure that our poor scanning procedures we use today will prevent an attack.
Those are the procedures I think will ultimately be implemented. Carry on bags will be limited to purses (smaller than 9x12x4 inches) or something the size of a 2" binder. Laptops/electronics must be checked. (Hence creating a market for ruggedized laptops.) All of the items in this purse are hand checked.
The FAA keeps tightening "airport" security by removing 1 hour parking, preventing family members from entering the gate area, etc., but these are ineffective. Forcing all passengers to check practically all of their luggage is the answer. That way, the amount of the stuff in the cabin of the plane is limited to items that have been hand verified by security personnel.
And we need to make a security personnel job a "professional" position, with pay and benefits like a police officer, not a fast food server.
Security is serious business, and we need to treat it that way.
Glen Austin