No universal cause
There is no single universal cause of anti-Semitism.
Xenophobia, history and religion all conspire against the Jews, along with a hoard of lesser reasons. Xenophobia is the hatred of anything different, and the Jews have almost always been set off as a seperate group, either by choice or mandate.
History works against the Jews in several ways. The biggest is that anti-Semitism has existed so long and been so wide spread it can't easily be removed now. But the where also hurt by being scattered into so many small groups, so they never had the numbers or power to be a major force. And prior to that they suffered because they where almost always stuck between larger more powerful empires that wanted to get through the area.
Religion also gets them in several ways. The largest being inherent conflict between Christian and Jewish beliefs. Their religion also works to keep them set apart from the people around them, though this usually don't take the virulant strain of the author of that article.
The current actions of the Isreali state are doing nothing to help the repuation of Jews either.