PS. US is indeed a great country, with a lot of great people. But some of its actions in the recent years have further shown its arrogance and disdain on the world's opinion.
You seem to have some knowledge of what "world opinion" is. Care to give us an example of where the world has stood up and told the U.S. to stop any particular action? "World opinion" seems to be mostly apathetic when it comes to these matters.
Serbia? Most of Europe supported the action in Yugoslavia, with only the Chinese dissenting - and that was a very muffled dissent.
Iraq? The world opinion was that Iraq should be monitored for production of nuclear and chemical weapons, but they were unable to come to a consensus on how to carry that out. So how many nations have stood up in the last few years and given the U.S. the ultimatum that they need to let Iraq be "free". Again, some criticism here and there when it's convenient for their own ends, but where's the outcry that the U.S. is openly disdaining?
Palestine? The situation is really rather simple. Set up a Palestinian homeland and let Israel live in peace (or vice versa, which is where the situation is hung up). Beyond the Arab nations - which seem to use the issue more for political gain, than any seeming cry for peace and prosperity - which nations of the world have condemned the U.S.?
It is one thing to say that the U.S. sometimes goes beyond what "world opinion" is willing to do. It is quite another to say that the U.S. is saying fuck you to the rest of the world. You obviously have a skewed sense of judgement about how the world is reacting to U.S. actions.
Instead of placing the blame on the U.S., why don't you tell the rest of the world to get it's shit together and speak with a clear voice - since you seem to weld the power of "world opinion", it shouldn't be too difficult for you to whip the rest of the world into consensus?