And a fight breaks out on I We They!
Pricing for DB2?
Purchase price 2 CPU or less is $995 plus $158 per users. Using connection pools, most of our 2 processor e450 or e250 licenses run about $3850.
4 CPU license is $7500 per CPU, so that's about $30K.
Above 4 CPU license, it climbs to $15K per CPU until you get to "clustered" edition, which runs $20,000 per CPU.
Support costs are 20% to 25% of the original purchase price each year. So our 4 processor V880 was $30,000, and the support will be about $7500 per year.
We needed to start small, but still be able to scale to enterprise capabilities, and that was DB2 UDB.
And we haven't broken the bank.