Form your own country, I think that island on the Mississippi river can be claimed as a new country. It is usually known as no-man's land and people met there to duel because the state and federal laws didn't apply there.

The United States Of deSitter, population 1. Build a lean-to, and elect yourself as President and then apply to the UN for membership. Print up your own money using an Inkjet or Laserjet printer.

Either that or apply for a Reality TV show and get relocated for a few months to someplace else and hope you don't get voted off.

Canada don't want you, how about Mexico? Learn to speak Spanish and get a job at one of the many factories there. We stop them from coming into the US, but not from leaving the US to Mexico. Bring as many US Dollars as you can to Mexico, enough to buy some land and a house, with money left over to bribe the officials to keep you out of jail for being a Gringo. :)