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New Hussein's regime spends hours daily
torturing and raping its people. It is the national sport.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]</br>

"If you want to meet a group of people who have a profound distrust of, and hostility toward, our legal system, don't waste your time on political radicals; interview a random selection of crime victims, and you will probably find that they make the former group look like utopian idealists by comparison." Dave Robicheaux
New *sigh* Why is it always up to me?
boxley's link refers to "Marsh Arabs" and hrw.org.

[link|http://www.hrw.org/press/2003/01/iraq012503.htm|HRW's view on the matter]

Which references this article.

[link|http://www.hrw.org/backgrounder/mena/marsharabs1.htm|The Iraqi Government Assault on the Marsh Arabs]

The "Marsh Arabs" are losing their lands because Saddam is draining the marshes.

The forced resettlement plan and brutal counterinsurgency campaign begun by the government in the early 1990's prompted the United Nations special rapporteur on Iraq in 1992 to voice his concerns directly to the U.N. Security Council.
Okay, I'll go over something VERY BASIC for certain individuals.

Someone does NOT attack someone else without REASON.

It might be a very BAD reason, such as the Jews in Nazi Germany, but there is still a REASON.

Saddam's actions SEEM to be similar to US actions against the Native Americans.

Murder of thousands of unarmed civilians following the abortive March 1991 uprising, through summary execution and the indiscriminate bombardment and shelling of residential areas in towns and villages in the vicinity of Basra, al-Nasiriyya, al-`Amara and across the marshes region;
Wouldn't that be the one that the previous Bush "promised" US "aid" for?

What part of "brutal dictator" do you have a problem understanding?

Arbitrary and prolonged imprisonment of thousands who had been arrested during and in the aftermath of military bombardment of residential areas in the marshes, including civilians and others suspected of anti-government activities;
Sounds just like what we are doing with Afghan "terrorists". Again, the actions of a brutal dictator.

Torture of Marsh Arab detainees held in government custody, in order to extract information from them, as punishment, and as a means to spread fear among the local population;
And we have recently uncovered evidence that OUR people are doing the same. Again, the actions of a brutal dictator.

Now, HOW is this ANY DIFFERENT than ANY OTHER dictatorship?

WHAT makes Saddam so special that we have to spend BILLIONS of dollars to get him?

Not that he hasn't committed crimes.

But that is part of the definition of "brutal dictator".

No one is saying Saddam is NOT a "brutal dictator".

The question is:
"What makes Saddam a threat that we need to deal with NOW".

A decade AFTER the massive bombings against civilians.
New So you agree that jake123 is wrong in his title
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]</br>

"If you want to meet a group of people who have a profound distrust of, and hostility toward, our legal system, don't waste your time on political radicals; interview a random selection of crime victims, and you will probably find that they make the former group look like utopian idealists by comparison." Dave Robicheaux
New Okay, one again, "verb tense". "Is" or "was" or "will be".
New Actually, I think that is the key to your problem.
You don't understand the difference between "past" and "present".

When I say that Israel had legalized slavery a few years ago, you respond as if I'm talking about 70AD.

When someone says that Saddam is (please note the verb tense there) not killing 100's per day, you respond as if today is back in the early 1990's.

I think that problem with time (and syntax) is the root of your logical fallacies.
New So sadaam or his crew do not torture people today
thats why his army came charging over the fence with white flags a day or so ago in Kuwait because he is a benevolent man. So you Dont beleive that he is a vicious despot today. Funny you keep writing as if he is. Make up your mind.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]</br>

"If you want to meet a group of people who have a profound distrust of, and hostility toward, our legal system, don't waste your time on political radicals; interview a random selection of crime victims, and you will probably find that they make the former group look like utopian idealists by comparison." Dave Robicheaux
New GOTCHA! hahahahaha
That's quite the shift from this post: [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=87203|Sorry, Hussein is not killing hundreds/day]

Since I've taken the time to completely destroy your claim that Saddam is killing hundreds of people a day NOW.....

you're going to attempt to switch positions and claim that the question was whether Saddam was TORTURING people today.

And I lay ANOTHER mighty SMACK DOWN on you.

And I did it using your own links.

I bet that hurts even MORE!

Here's a list of things for you to do this week:
#1. Learn what "verb tense" is.

#2. Learn to read the links.
New is he torturing people now?
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]</br>

"If you want to meet a group of people who have a profound distrust of, and hostility toward, our legal system, don't waste your time on political radicals; interview a random selection of crime victims, and you will probably find that they make the former group look like utopian idealists by comparison." Dave Robicheaux
New is he killing people now?
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]</br>

"If you want to meet a group of people who have a profound distrust of, and hostility toward, our legal system, don't waste your time on political radicals; interview a random selection of crime victims, and you will probably find that they make the former group look like utopian idealists by comparison." Dave Robicheaux
New is he eating his lunch now?
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]</br>

"If you want to meet a group of people who have a profound distrust of, and hostility toward, our legal system, don't waste your time on political radicals; interview a random selection of crime victims, and you will probably find that they make the former group look like utopian idealists by comparison." Dave Robicheaux
New Do you even have a point now
Or are you just one of those little people who run around pointing fingers with no other point than saying "I made a funny at the man!" sallright oneday you will walk next to an electromagnet and you will forever more look like homer simpson.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]</br>

"If you want to meet a group of people who have a profound distrust of, and hostility toward, our legal system, don't waste your time on political radicals; interview a random selection of crime victims, and you will probably find that they make the former group look like utopian idealists by comparison." Dave Robicheaux
New I applied the smack down and rattled your brains loose. :D
New but at least I wont look like homer simpson
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]</br>

"If you want to meet a group of people who have a profound distrust of, and hostility toward, our legal system, don't waste your time on political radicals; interview a random selection of crime victims, and you will probably find that they make the former group look like utopian idealists by comparison." Dave Robicheaux
New Are you artificially bumping up your post count now?

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New timestamping tense for the boy
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]</br>

"If you want to meet a group of people who have a profound distrust of, and hostility toward, our legal system, don't waste your time on political radicals; interview a random selection of crime victims, and you will probably find that they make the former group look like utopian idealists by comparison." Dave Robicheaux
New Suggestion: Random Bonus Post Points
Hey, I could still win a bronze medal if Canada loses to Sweden.
New That wasn't the question. Do I need to repost the link? :D
     Need Peter to fully explain this one. - (Brandioch) - (40)
         Same as Powell resigning over a Rumsfeld Idea -NT - (boxley)
         Re: Need Peter to fully explain this one. - (pwhysall) - (38)
             Thanks. - (Brandioch)
             interesting, have a question - (boxley) - (25)
                 My guess - (jake123) - (24)
                     according to the article s/bosnia/iraq -NT - (boxley) - (23)
                         Sorry, Hussein is not killing hundreds/day - (jake123) - (22)
                             horsepucky -NT - (boxley) - (18)
                                 ? -NT - (jake123) - (17)
                                     Hussein's regime spends hours daily - (boxley) - (16)
                                         *sigh* Why is it always up to me? - (Brandioch) - (15)
                                             So you agree that jake123 is wrong in his title -NT - (boxley) - (14)
                                                 Okay, one again, "verb tense". "Is" or "was" or "will be". -NT - (Brandioch) - (13)
                                                     Actually, I think that is the key to your problem. - (Brandioch) - (12)
                                                         So sadaam or his crew do not torture people today - (boxley) - (11)
                                                             GOTCHA! hahahahaha - (Brandioch) - (10)
                                                                 is he torturing people now? -NT - (boxley) - (9)
                                                                     is he killing people now? -NT - (boxley) - (7)
                                                                         is he eating his lunch now? -NT - (boxley) - (3)
                                                                             Do you even have a point now -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                                                                                 I applied the smack down and rattled your brains loose. :D -NT - (Brandioch) - (1)
                                                                                     but at least I wont look like homer simpson -NT - (boxley)
                                                                         Are you artificially bumping up your post count now? -NT - (pwhysall) - (2)
                                                                             timestamping tense for the boy -NT - (boxley)
                                                                             Suggestion: Random Bonus Post Points - (deSitter)
                                                                     That wasn't the question. Do I need to repost the link? :D -NT - (Brandioch)
                             Some people seem to think.... - (Brandioch) - (2)
                                 are you looking for an arguement? - (boxley) - (1)
                                     I'm just saying that. - (Brandioch)
             Re: Need Peter to fully explain this one. - (deSitter)
             In other words... - (bluke)
             Nuclear war??? - (bluke) - (8)
                 Re: Nuclear war??? - (pwhysall) - (7)
                     Unlikely scenario for a number of reasons - (bluke) - (4)
                         Antimissile systems? - (pwhysall) - (3)
                             naw 5 kilotons on downtown jsalem would do it - (boxley) - (2)
                                 Actually not, only 2 out of 3 - (bluke)
                                 Actually not, only 2 out of 3 - (bluke)
                     Israel cant exterminate the Palestinians - (boxley)
                     Oh... it won't be Israel... - (folkert)

Di people dem a beg di super DJ fi more. Because dem love di way wi play di hardcore.
78 ms