Post #85,430
3/4/03 8:35:11 AM
French protest pro-US
[link||They're allowed to do that?]
PARIS - The gratitude that Claire Gold has for the Americans who helped liberate France from the Nazis runs so deep that she still feels indebted to the United States, 59 years later.
That is why Gold, now 75, braved a bitterly cold Sunday evening to join about 250 other French men, women and children holding a pro-American demonstration at the Place de la Concorde, not far from the U.S. Embassy.
Gold was a 17-year-old Jew living in Paris when the French capital was liberated on Aug. 25, 1944 \ufffd the day she took off the yellow star she was forced to wear. Her father was not so lucky \ufffd he had been stripped of his citizenship and deported to Auschwitz, where he died. Gold believes she would have shared the same fate had the Americans not arrived when they did.
"I have been pro-American since the liberation," said Gold. "I always have been, and I always will be for the Americans."
I say:
Oh, wait. A French Jew. Living amidst a famously anti-Semitic people. Nothing to lose, I guess.
Anti-Americanism does not equal anti-Semitism? I'd love to see the Venn diagram for that one.
No oil for TotalFinaElf! CHICKENHAWK! Scourge of clucking hens everywhere! Victory is the answer. There are no alternatives. [link||http://www.angelfire...arlowe/index.html]
Post #85,482
3/4/03 11:57:22 AM
"Anti-Americanism does not equal anti-Semitism?"
Why would it?
Post #85,486
3/4/03 11:59:48 AM
And I bet, the demonstators are not called un-French!
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session."\t-- Mark Twain
Post #85,608
3/4/03 8:40:14 PM
Actually, they're called Jews.
Which is far worse, from the point of view of those doing the calling.
No oil for TotalFinaElf! CHICKENHAWK! Scourge of clucking hens everywhere! Victory is the answer. There are no alternatives. [link||http://www.angelfire...arlowe/index.html]
Post #85,612
3/4/03 8:57:12 PM
3/4/03 9:47:05 PM
What's the statute of limitations here?
Does anyone have a notion of how long these historical debts--both the kind owed to the virtuous and the kind owed by the wicked--should properly remain on the books? Does France remain forever and ever in our debt (Tom Hanks died for their froggy sins), and accordingly expected to second our every lurch and whim, world without end, amen, forever? (For example, if our junta counsels patience and restraint on North Korea in March, is it the duty of France to endorse this? And if in November we determine that the madmen in Pyongyang are a menace to peace and stability, and must be removed, is it base ingratitude of the French not to amend their stance accordingly?) How 'bout them Krauts? Third Reich, very nasty piece of work indeed, exceedingly bad juju: ought not they and their progeny, yea unto seven times seven generations, hang their heads in shame, with many a mea culpa, until the entropic heat-death of the universe at the very earliest?
The problems with this kind of historical bookkeeping were, I thought, made manifest during the recent unpleasantness in the Balkans.
Regarding the Germans, I disagree with friends who hold with the eternal-bad-karma model. Absent present-day Nazi sympathies I am inclined unreservedly to give a pass to any present-day German born since the end of that regime or of an age not to have been involved in formulating policy by 1945 (that would include a seventy year-old today who ended the war as a fanatical teenage Hitler's Youth: we don't get to choose our formative influences and, as Marlowe demonstrates here every day, it's difficult for a young person to gear up to independent thinking after a lifetime diet of chauvinistic propaganda). As to the French, I suppose one could argue that the US debt to French assistance during the Revolution was wiped clean either in 1918 or 1945, and that we're the moral creditor until such time as they send troops to rescue us from Mexican military occupation. But of course, the folks publicly advancing this position are very few of them actual veterans of the Normandy landings. The cheapness of the "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" shot has been discussed elsewhere in this forum.
Anyway, how think you, my auditors? How long do these debts run?
(see below for edit rationale)
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Edited by rcareaga
March 4, 2003, 09:47:05 PM EST
Post #85,620
3/4/03 9:27:47 PM
You misspelled "chauvinistic"
Spelling errors really stand out in your carefully labored prose.
Fuck almost everything.
Post #85,623
3/4/03 9:44:06 PM
Re: You misspelled "chauvinistic"
Even Homer nods. In fact, as I typed it looked questionable, and I meant to double-check, but carried away by my own rhetoric...well...I fergot [sic! sic!].
One never likes to be called on these things, but as one who also feels that sloppiness in expression not only betrays but breeds a corresponding sloppiness in thought I appreciate the vigilance (although, geez..."labored prose"? ouch!).
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #85,632
3/4/03 10:00:49 PM
No, no, no!
Carefully labored prose!!
Enjoyed by more than one person here, though...
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #85,633
3/4/03 10:03:32 PM
Re: No, no, no!
All very well and good (many thanks, BTW, particularly given the source), but what about my original question?
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
Post #85,641
3/4/03 10:14:36 PM
Post #85,643
3/4/03 10:23:49 PM
A debt "owed" to us, indefinately.
A debt we "owe" to anyone else, expired before the ink dried.
This is beyond the playground "my daddy can beat up your daddy".
We've progressed to grandfathers (and earlier).
The sad thing is, this is EXACTLY the behaviour that is causing problems in the rest of the world. Tribal warfare that has been going on for generations.
Those without any accomplishments of their own, can still find solace in hating the "enemies" of their "people".
Post #85,645
3/4/03 10:40:17 PM
Post #85,955
3/6/03 3:53:27 AM
Goose / Gander
How long are
The non-Aryan US citizens allowed to recall slavery, the cop-assisted lynchings, Scottsboro Boys and Whites Only ? The indigenous decendants to recall the infected blankets from Whitey, the 99.8% worthless treaties and the massacres? The Irish to dredge up, No Irish Need Apply ? The Issei permitted relive the Buck-toothed Jap posters of WW-II? The Jews free to ponder sheeny, kike, and Stay Outta Our Countryclub ? Tha non-Christians to revivify the Inquisition, Jerry Foulwell and 2000 years of Sanctmonious harassment by some pretty nasty Holy Creatures?
All of us supposed to remember the rest of us cowering under a HUAC, a SISS and the Roy Cohns and McCarthys we are such suckers for?
(Oh and.. the Warz on Drugs / Prohibition-II - fallout from the formation of the AMA's monopoly desires: Achieved.)
Let us prey Awomen
Mediocrity is a vice of the doomed. We look at a bright, bright future in which every child is above average - and we will continue to drop the average until that lofty goal is achieved. Alan Schwartz via DeS
Post #85,621
3/4/03 9:38:13 PM
Once Upon A Revolution
Does one of you ever read anything? You have this ridiculous picture of what it means to be strong. Can anything help you? It is odious knowing that people like you are in the majority. Why do you constantly belittle them? We threw off greedy and noisome merchants who dared add 1/2 percent protection money - they threw off royalty. Who made the greater stride?
I might remind you that the French went through all of militaristic Europe like shit through a goose, and basically taught everyone from then on how to fight - that the help of Lafayette was utterly crucial for the Americans to get past square one - as well as the fleet off the coast - and that with that same help, we'd have a governed Conferderacy now (as opposed to an ungoverened one)? Ah, the French are so irrelevant.
Post #85,983
3/6/03 8:57:37 AM
More recently it's the goose that comes out on top.
Something to keep in mind.
Also, didn't the French violently overthrow the regime that gave aid to the American Revolution? I'd call that a disavowal. You can't un-disavow a disavowal. Unless, of course, you have no shame at all.
No oil for TotalFinaElf! CHICKENHAWK! Scourge of clucking hens everywhere! Victory is the answer. There are no alternatives. [link||http://www.angelfire...arlowe/index.html]
Post #86,050
3/6/03 11:22:25 AM
Apparently you don't.
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