[Edit 2: Past tense... And comments] It was just the convenience of getting it all on a single page(2) you had to pay for. (Or, conversely, the price for getting to read it without paying any money was to see that e-bay.de commercial fifteen times. :-)
The sub-pages are also -- still -- linked directly, in the pale blue vertical bar on the right -- only, now most of them lead to a log-in page for subscribers.
Fucking treacherous cheap-skate assmonkeys! :-(
[Edit 1:] And "Zum Schlie\ufffden ins Bild klicken!" means, "To close, click the picture!"... Just so you don't' get any nasty surprises. :-)
(1): "Weiter" means "on" (as in "go on") or "continue"; "Zurück" means "back".
(2): And presumably in a less advertisement-cluttered format.