Post #83,773
2/24/03 1:30:28 PM

Yet more
Under "Competitors": one disgruntled employee (who's identity will be kept secret) "whose" Under "Alternatives ... Linux": Disadvantage:. Note period after colon And: To date, Linux has displace Unix "displaced" Under "Response": How do you ... and is more scalable. Should be question mark. And: Next was to claim that "Linux is cheap to purchase, but license costs are a very small part of TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). No closing quote. Under "Industry Support" you list the DBs available for Linux but left out SAPDB. Under "Laws" you've got MPAA as MPIA again. And: outside the U.S.. Note the double period. OK, that's it from me.
Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
Post #83,776
2/24/03 1:38:43 PM

Well, that's a good number of corrections . .
. . and I thank you for them all.
On the other hand, I don't think I've achieved the high standards set by our English friends over at The Register, who can pack that many into a single page with ease.
On the other hand, what'd ya think of the article?
Post #83,780
2/24/03 2:01:46 PM

Like I said in the first post
The over-riding feeling is depression that it takes so long to explain just what state the industry is currently in. On the one hand I'd want to break it into several smaller articles. On the other hand I think it's valuable to see just how big the issue is all on one page.
If I were going to present this as part of a proposal to actually change my company's policies I'd want a little more footnoting for the more controversial passages. While I know it's at least as bad as you paint it, if I were trying to persuade someone I'd want more evidence. (Like the list at the bottom isn't already daunting.)
Any one of the sections could easily be an essay in itself. As shown by the footnotes nearly every sentence actually has been an article in itself. Frequently whole series or articles.
What I think is unique to your articles is that you recognize the sheer volume of negative activities attributed to Microsoft is itself an issue.
Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
Post #83,786
2/24/03 2:14:43 PM

Yes, please keep it all together.
This was actually a point I made just now, sending it to our management.
Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance - Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation. BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10
Post #83,789
2/24/03 2:21:45 PM

Once it got big I thought of breaking it up . .
. . but decided against doing so. It just wouldn't have the same impact.
I do intend to add more references and perhaps a couple paragraphs, but it's going to stay basically as it is.
Post #83,837
2/24/03 5:21:24 PM

Agree on the "single repository"; suggested Intro for others
And hope that (if that is your intent?) this gets linked to Lots of other visible places - even as a project.. via everyone's er 'special connections'.
I think I'm fairly ept at good English syntax (even if I often choose to break those rules here ;-) All your stuff scans well IMhO; it's neither verbose nor awkward - and that's a real achievement, considering the arcane nature of many of the underlying points that need inclusion.. for the edification of the better informed.
Unfortunately I'm not a good test reader as "the non-Pro non-programmer" around here.. I've found the machinations of Billy n'B - through the years - to be an Interesting soap opera, just as any good English mystery == I've paid much more attention than the average non computer-geek would ever have [wasted]. Much of your content is already ~familiar to me, so it's hard to gauge just how well a lazy mind would react to the totality.. but a PHB could always pass it on to his actually literate hiree, for evaluation. I guess. (We always have to have hope)
Possibly.. you or someone might write an 'suggested' Intro to every site which wants to link to aax. Something along the order of:
"This compilation was created by a person who daily deals with the fallout from the widespread usage of unstable, flawed All-in-One software which was originally of the class, 'toy software'. This software retains much of that original character and underlying design flaws, as it has grown to a size that is now effectively Unmanageable, in the author's opinion."
"This indexed overview of the concerns of small business is sufficiently complete (and annotated) that: a person in cold storage for the past ten years might glean a fair and accurate view of business software axioms. The article describes many pitfalls of trusting one's personal and business data - thus one's entire business - to an inherently unstable system. Further, it reminds of the consequences of allowing a single legally-discredited monopoly, random access to all of one's computer data of any kind. Via the included refs. one may verify the allegations via many other sources."
Just a thought,
Post #83,966
2/25/03 8:59:20 AM

Send it to Kevin!
...a person in cold storage for the past ten years might glean a fair and accurate view of business software axioms. Someone like, say, Keven Mitnick?
Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
Post #84,058
2/25/03 3:24:00 PM

One minor error in fact
Hot Mail, MSN, Microsoft Instant Messaging, Windows Update, Product Activation - they all require a Passport account, and they are all being expanded into key parts of My Services. Currently in Windows XP (home) neither Windows Update nor Product Activation actually require a Passport account. That's not to say MS won't change that on future releases, nor does it mean that MS does not gather more information than necessary during these processes.
"I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country..."
General George S. Patton
Post #84,060
2/25/03 3:37:02 PM

Speaking of which... TheInq story.
[link||This] story on The Inquirer says that a German site ([link||tecCHANNEL]) is saying that MS's XP update is grabbing lots of information about installed apps from other vendors and lots of information is sent back to Redmond - in contrast to earlier versions of Windows Update. From TheInq story: And, the site claims, the information can pass on to Microsoft a list of all of the software installed on an individual's computer, including software manufactured by other manufacturers. tecCHANNEL has a utility - tecDUMP - that'll show the collected information. It seems the utility has to be purchased (and is included with the rest of the article for 1.99 euros). Just passing along a pointer - I have no other information. Cheers, Scott.
Post #84,066
2/25/03 4:12:18 PM

Yes, I have read the German site . .
. . up to the point where you have to pay money. I have also incorporated it into my article (and have added a "change list" to keep track of such additions).
Post #84,080
2/25/03 4:31:57 PM
2/25/03 4:58:12 PM

You *used to* get it all for free by clicking "Weiter>>" (1)
[Edit 2: Past tense... And comments] It was just the convenience of getting it all on a single page(2) you had to pay for. (Or, conversely, the price for getting to read it without paying any money was to see that commercial fifteen times. :-)
The sub-pages are also -- still -- linked directly, in the pale blue vertical bar on the right -- only, now most of them lead to a log-in page for subscribers.
Fucking treacherous cheap-skate assmonkeys! :-(
[Edit 1:] And "Zum Schlie\ufffden ins Bild klicken!" means, "To close, click the picture!"... Just so you don't' get any nasty surprises. :-)
(1): "Weiter" means "on" (as in "go on") or "continue"; "Zurück" means "back".
(2): And presumably in a less advertisement-cluttered format.
[link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad] (I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link||Ashton Brown]

Edited by CRConrad
Feb. 25, 2003, 04:39:04 PM EST

Edited by CRConrad
Feb. 25, 2003, 04:58:12 PM EST
Post #84,082
2/25/03 4:47:22 PM
2/25/03 5:01:47 PM

Never mind.
CRC error no more. :-)
(See the edit history for the nitty-gritty.)
Cheers, Scott.
Post #84,083
2/25/03 4:53:36 PM

Uh... No, I'm only on the second page... Wha?!? Noooo!
Fucking goddamn cheapskate assmonkeys!!!
May they rot in the nether dungeons of Hell for all eternity!
It didn't used to work like that... This is the first time I see this behaviour. :-(
[link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad] (I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Your lies are of Microsoftian Scale and boring to boot. Your 'depression' may be the closest you ever come to recognizing truth: you have no 'inferiority complex', you are inferior - and something inside you recognizes this. - [link||Ashton Brown]