Once again - the most concise picture of the Emperor as Naked: and it's the same snivelling little rodent as it always was.
This is most depressing, listed and annotated as you have done - and I don't personally have to rely on this shit for a living, even. This is a hideous situation, especially in reviewing all those elements I was already at least conversant with - then add in some connections you make which intensify the rest. This is no less than a massive Conspiracy, oft misused word perfectly justified here by the facts - now mix in the utter insouciance of the Murican Biznessman, and stir. Your hopeful signs of nascent awareness.. don't seem enough to generate much optimism (in me).
Firstly, I'd think that your prose is clear enough that even an average PHB could.. comprehend each point and the whole (yes, I know - 'they don't read'). But IF they read --
Secondly, given the general level of rote-'expertise' of the many many M$ certificate holders (reported here, noted many elsewheres), the inherent unfixability of the mass/mess anyway.. is it an exaggeration to extrapolate your conclusions and predictions to:
The Fact of M$ just may precipitate the largest meltdown of US (and other) companies in history! [??] This especially - to the extent that M$ are next left unrestrained, to proceed in the directions you have outlined.
Lastly, even if an unprecedented number of the small-med. businesses (collectively: isn't that by far the mass US business?) were to *immediately* begin conscientious plans to rid selves of this *cancer - where would the sufficient number of ept alternative techs come from? (And of course - no such epiphany will occur, for all obvious reasons deriving from dumbth.)
* cancer. Shouldn't this metaphor begin to be associated with the Beast SAP? Surely it is apt: Growth is its most important Product (like all US bizness - in their dreams). It is malignant: QED.
It metastasizes.. the all-in-one interoperation makes that evident, within your explanations.
It is impervious to surgery (What?? could you cut out?) radiation (Hah) and chemotherapy: pouring acid on your Intel won't kill the Doze-Virus.
And eventually the cancer takes over [all the money in] Your Bizness == along with ownership of all your records. Maybe cancer is too weak a simile: advance that to Pandemic; it's long past the mere epidemic stage.
Y'know, I can imagine..
A bunch who just lost their business, built over a decade or so -- and who stumble across this compilation. Sit around with a few beers and follow some links. Think about it and come back the next night. Trade notes. Get Really Pissed Off. Assassination comes to mind, really. Not just Ed Curry has died intertwined with the machinations of Billy n'Bally. Muricans are a violent people: why.. it's their Major Entertainment! and substitute for debate and civilized resolution.
What a fucking mess this One autistic brat has wrought, simply because he couldn't get laid and had a broken greed gene.
PS - His Dad kinda gets it though: I heard him on a Commonwealth Club bdcst. speaking strongly in favor of retaining the Inheritance tax; surely heresy in his caste.