It has 'read' a bit, can do simple repetitive math, extrapolate a certain amount of serial thought - but the hubris is the largest barrier. That is at its height in youth and inexperience of a variety of real persons - away from comfy homies.
It has dabbled in Nietzsche, imagines it grokked same (!) - was dazzled by the possibilities for mischief henceforth, with sufficient forgetting of the referents which every word demands. Sloppiness there.
Just nowadays it imagines that links to others of the affected and afflicted - substitutes for looking for root causes. And it is mesmerized by the techno- programmable milieu.. imagining that people may be herded as easily as datapoints.
It could.. possibly learn something of life, one day. Ditch the siren-song of Certainty and become a Human Being, accepting the ignorance of every homo-sap about all the real Questions. It could.
For now, it's been reIllusioned - and like all religious dogma, that must run its course, before the actual state-of-ignorance can be copped-to. Natch I have no idea if this one will eventually make it; so many Love It - it's sooo EZ to hold-tight to those ephemeral Certainties!
(Why, people Kill to hold-on to those! Regularly.)
PS Techo folk are more vulnerable - why.. their theories seem to work! So Well in makin machines 'work'.. well, you get the idea.
I= io eKT And All That Jazz