Hmmm - bucket o'worms or.. pasta?
I appreciate the compliment, but I ain't got the moxie to play with the folks whose staff write up the style sheets, and who have Editors. The little ditty, "the one who represents herself has a fool for a client" applies in spades to us all here. (And my own Muse, alas - isn't so much Erato as Erratica; others here are more consistent -- so I take your 'nomination' to be obv symbolic)
I've known a few [successful] writers who agree that the above applies to writers / editors, as well. These are the unsung, and for many of the famous for being famous - Eds should get equal billing. Editors make or break any wordsmith project, quickly or soon enough. (Notice how often Ed. is mentioned in most prefaces)
Actually we may have a few candidates for Editors about.. just think of the folks who manage to say their piece in 3 or 4 sentences, mostly. A very few can edit their own work well, but my impression is that the very applies.
I'd agree that it sure couldn't hoit to see the commentary of the best of IWE: widely disbursed, esp. given the avge quality of the competition out there. 'Course when things become organized.. then there's that awful 'regular & scheduled' thing that happens. I'm not dwelling on the [-]s but we'd best list, note those.
Who wouldn't like to see HUNDREDS of talented core groups replacing.. 80% 90% of the scripted talking heads we are all inured to by now. We have nothing to lose but.. the creeping dumbth (which is a fact: how many here have ever longed for a return of The Smothers Brothers or Laugh-In? Orig SNL etc. or at least some group with an IQ larger than Britney.) Think we are so special as to be alone in this longing?
Also on the [+] side, clever enough irreverence does fly, we see - esp. if your funding does not require that your infotainment fit demographics of the LCD, and have to please a 'sponsor'.
We post or not-post spontaneously, usually driven or at least catalyzed by the march of events == I think that's all most calyumnists do! Except that: they Must come up with something readable On Deadline.
So best we ponder how not-like those folks we actually are. As to what we might become...? Well, when yer tryin to save a floundering civilization n'stuff - is that enough incentive, along with the family, the cubicle and the occasional crack-pipe break?
Lastly.. Pen-names might be better all around. Lamb liked Elia. HH Munro liked Saki and there are ~ 1.1M other words to choose from. Esp. in the web-era, does one want one's base-handle becoming notorious?
Anyway, a Fun what-if,
Ashton er Klaatu
(Kinda got dibs on Hypatia, for somebody.. have to be somebody bloody Good, though)