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New That's not all he has wrong
For example, he has a mistaken concept of objects. I saw that same mindset when I was working with Powerbuilder programmers. A widget on a Windows screen is *not* an object, in terms of object-oriented programming. Setting properties on a Windows widget is fine, but that's not necessarily an object. And his laughable characterization of being able to create in hours what used to take weeks or months.... pathetic.

Even a rapid development environment like Visual Basic takes time and skill to create a *good* applicatiion, not just a prototype. The worst Visual Basic programmers are those who point and click their way into an application. I was with a company that spent months (at least) digging itself out of point-and-click applications.
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
New Yes, I meant to say that, too.
I did some quite extensive programming in VB1 and creating effective applications is not a walk in the park. Some of the most effective and widely used ones I wrote for my employer were originally for my own use!

I also meant to comment that it is possible to write object-oriented assembler: but you need a good macro assembler and a number of implementation details you have to manage yourself but it is not that hard. I've even got a book on just how to do it.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

     fodder for a multi-topic flame-war? - (tablizer) - (6)
         Not even a family spat.. - (Ashton)
         Not likely - (JayMehaffey)
         my 2 cents - (boxley)
         He gets stuff wrong. - (static) - (2)
             That's not all he has wrong - (wharris2) - (1)
                 Yes, I meant to say that, too. - (static)

Get the hell out of my driveway!
54 ms