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New He gets stuff wrong.
Assembler is not "just above" machine code: it is machine code but with meaningful mnemonics.

Also, people have ported languages like FORTRAN and SNOBOL4 to newer environments so they can keep using them. Red Hat 7.1 has a Fortran compiler, for instance.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New That's not all he has wrong
For example, he has a mistaken concept of objects. I saw that same mindset when I was working with Powerbuilder programmers. A widget on a Windows screen is *not* an object, in terms of object-oriented programming. Setting properties on a Windows widget is fine, but that's not necessarily an object. And his laughable characterization of being able to create in hours what used to take weeks or months.... pathetic.

Even a rapid development environment like Visual Basic takes time and skill to create a *good* applicatiion, not just a prototype. The worst Visual Basic programmers are those who point and click their way into an application. I was with a company that spent months (at least) digging itself out of point-and-click applications.
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
New Yes, I meant to say that, too.
I did some quite extensive programming in VB1 and creating effective applications is not a walk in the park. Some of the most effective and widely used ones I wrote for my employer were originally for my own use!

I also meant to comment that it is possible to write object-oriented assembler: but you need a good macro assembler and a number of implementation details you have to manage yourself but it is not that hard. I've even got a book on just how to do it.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

     fodder for a multi-topic flame-war? - (tablizer) - (6)
         Not even a family spat.. - (Ashton)
         Not likely - (JayMehaffey)
         my 2 cents - (boxley)
         He gets stuff wrong. - (static) - (2)
             That's not all he has wrong - (wharris2) - (1)
                 Yes, I meant to say that, too. - (static)

Truly you are Earth's greatest customer.
32 ms