IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Dunna fer get this:
[link|http://fink.sourceforge.net/|Fink you very much!!!]

And all while you were sleeping!

[link|mailto:curley95@attbi.com|greg] - Grand-Master Artist in IT
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry/|REMEMBER ED CURRY!]   [link|http://pascal.rockford.com:8888/SSK@kQMsmc74S0Tw3KHQiRQmDem0gAIPAgM/edcurry/1//|ED'S GHOST SPEAKS!]
[link|http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,857673,00.asp|Writing on wall, Microsoft to develop apps for Linux by 2004]
Heimatland Geheime Staatspolizei reminds:
These [link|http://www.whitehouse.gov/pcipb/cyberstrategy-draft.html|Civilian General Orders], please memorize them.
"Questions" will be asked at safety checkpoints.
New Re: Dunna fer get this:
*Cool.* apt-get for OSX...

"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
     It is official. - (cwbrenn) - (18)
         cool! - (SpiceWare) - (2)
             Same thing happened to the.. - (bepatient) - (1)
                 Plan to take the plunge this year - (SpiceWare)
         Which size? 17" -NT - (bbronson) - (4)
             Yes indeedy, 17" it is - (cwbrenn) - (3)
                 I'm green w/envy -NT - (bbronson) - (2)
                     Well, I don't have it *yet* - (cwbrenn) - (1)
                         Sure, go ahead and shatter my illusions with reality ;-) - (bbronson)
         Dunna fer get this: - (folkert) - (1)
             Re: Dunna fer get this: - (cwbrenn)
         us too - (Steve Lowe) - (7)
             May I weigh in here... - (rcareaga) - (6)
                 I had to find a picture - (drewk) - (5)
                     the pictures don't do it justice - (rcareaga) - (2)
                         So was that intentional? - (drewk) - (1)
                             Re: So was that intentional? - (rcareaga)
                     Bahaha.... - (admin) - (1)
                         That's it! - (drewk)

Searching for a distant star, heading off to Iscandar!
147 ms