Re: What is concrete to me is [*your* heart]
You are forced to argue your heart... I trust the satellite photos a bit more than your heart.
Hardly is it only an emotional argument - but it cannot be less than also an emotional argument - or it is the sophistry and fantasy of Good Guy/Bad Guy digital think. Again.
Pity, I thought you could be a contender.
There is a consistency in the associations of this mediocrity in charge, and especially among the influential ones possessed of the guile to orchestrate the activities in Florida, as details have emerged since. Those events which culminated in 5 members of the USSC reversing the principles which they had mouthed since their appointment to the bench, enabled the now irrefutable pattern of disregard for Constitutional principles, since:
The regular promulgations from this cabal - insult the intelligence of even ept children. Along with all this recent history you appear also to miss the meta-irony of our country being the largest producer and purveyor of WMDs in the history of this or any planet we know of!
So now.. you will throw in the towel of the logic of proving a negative and call it Reason: that these telephoto pictures indicate the facts which - you suggest we simply cannot substantiate by
findingA Single Example.
(We dare not risk the life of an inspector to go.. ?wherever it is? we suppose these caches of wmd-things are so expertly hidden. But it's OK if we don't actually find one of them: the pictures show
So in the end and most cynically... you will acquiesce to our launching - alone and unsupported by other reasonable people who inhabit this planet - a First Strike, and one whose tactics have already been 'leaked'. Because
We Can. It is to involve a massive barrage of those famous 'surgical strike' weapons. You know - the ones which never produce
collateral damage, that fav euphemism for heaped dead burned bodies. But not Murican bodies. Less important brownish bodies.
Because -?- "11 years is long enough". Never mind that for those 11 years, this tyrant has confined his pulling of wings off flies to: only local flies. Never mind that we joined the rest of 'the civilized world' inertly watching the Hutu/Tutsi massacre, E. Timor -- and that this Admin has performed not One Single Useful action re the Israel/Palestine stalemate,
the actual source of ME discontent beyond all others!
(Not even an effete effort at *saying* anything remotely sentient.)
Very well, suspend your disbelief: imagine that the disinformation and other dissembling of this rogue Administration has been: Truth. If really you can.
But you may stuff your labels of 'Left' (or the unstated 'Right') - these are merely the tired code words of all those who imagine that there is One Truth and then there are: the ignorant savages who Will Not See. Save that for a typ jr. high audience, one who cannot ID WTF G\ufffdbbels? or 'McCarthy' might have been, and why should they care. Save it for those who have no idea how massive propaganda actually works, on the inattentive and the historically ignorant.
Re 9/11 you appear to elide the fact of that symbol particularly representing: the 1% who rule this country and dominate world allocation of resources; a group whose subsidized legislators have for decades supported Saddam-like troglodytes on behalf of United Fruit and their ilk.
You are forgetting Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador and our training schools for the police forces used against those populations. (We stole Hawaii from its people in an earlier, more bucolic era. In the end we imprisoned their Queen). People are beginning to know this stuff, y'know?
This ignorant savage sees next: a backlash of hatred, expressed by vengeful actions against 'US' and all who sail in her, not remotely imagined yet! <3000 dead in a destroyed symbol of our world hegemony, you say? That justifies our first-ever First Strike - done against the world opinion (of even the citizens of UK, if not their PM. Yet.)
Because we could not find and arrest the criminal cabal who inflicted this outrage, despite the bellicose boasting of our illegitimate President, 'elected' by fewer than half of the half who bothered to vote at all!
You think Iraq will be the Only next little war ???
Just Another Iggerant Savage for Proust and against Naked Guile
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal