Murican atrocities match most others, also in scale: the treatment of the Original Folks here - says it all. (No, not aware of a methodical census of the tribes, individuals massacred -- bet there are a number of PhD theses citing estimates, though.) As a % of local / world population at the times: bet *We're a Contender* in the overall homo-sap Annihilation Sweepstakes. Gentlemen - start your database engines. (Stalin likely gets the Gold, or.. does he?)
And we are better than most, at euphemism - we practically own the Olympic Gold in that, every year. God is (Known to Be) On Our Side, no matter what particular actions we are er "forced to take", day to day. In more recent times, we - along with the other 'enlightened nations' - were as deaf to the matters of the Hutus and Tutsis as: to the boat-load of Jews turned back to Nazidom and extermination. Etc. (too 'icky'?)
No, I don't see anything redemptive in our chosen Dream of Capitalism VS all the other 'logical utopias' - each one so evidently subvertible by the subtlety of (greed+ego). All the -isms suffer from the same idea of having 'solved' that! Pshaw.
Is the searing heat of fission - a worse phenomenon than the daily institutionalized poverty imposed by the very-few upon very-many of the rest? Remember: there are millions of (untimely) *deaths* brought about by the same corruption as divides up the wealth and deposits over half -- among the current 3-5%. Is a lingering death counted differently from an instant one? ('specially say re 'working below poverty level' = no medical AND industrial-caused cancer?)
(One of millions of tales: the Uranium miners who fueled the madness of M.A.D. all those decades. They died later, some still are - from the Radon and other byproducts of mining (mostly Carnotite ore in US). No protection: though the fact that protection Was needed - Was Known. Even then.)
Then there's Ed Curry. He's dead - early too. Imagine Billy will ever pay a dime to his family? By our vaunted system of justice? How typical is that situation we here know so well: as regards other Corporate (That 3-5% on BOD) malfeasance VS an individual? Sue? Hah !!
So is that fireball a worse fate than the integrated total of those deaths -?- or just flashier? I get so confused by how Pro-life we all seemingly imagine we are -- on those scales. We 'avert our eyes' a lot, in support of that Murican Dream\ufffd - no?
Maybe you can figure it out - we like figures too, a lot.
On second thought - have ya got one a bit smaller? say 1 KT?
Neutron-enhanced - the buildings could be a jail for the other perps. Like the 500 lawyers at the bottom of the Marianas Trench: it's a start..