Of course, nuking *anyone* is - while it remains the strategy of several nations including This one right now - unthinkable. D'Oh.

But I still believe that the comparison of daily attrition via ingrained manipulation of the entire National wealth - is fairly comparable to.. instant annihilation. The latter is merely a longer process of curtailing the means for survival, making that life unnecessarily harsh - only.. there's no large \ufffd to get everyone's Attention. So we distract them with circuses and pious slogans.

Besides as regards the labels - 'Communism' has never ever been tried, and only flavors of er Socialism -- these were mostly more akin to Fascism with window dressing of stirring slogans which never were practised.. Ditto 'Capitalism' - as we are playing out right now re the Question,

Is there in Fact *any* enforcement of antitrust; any remedy for the many other Corporate excesses seen to be increasing, all around us?

We'll see, won't we?
