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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New But still, no physical evidence.
New I'm starting to worry about you. man.
This can't be healthy.
"Going to a march organized by Communists doesn't make you a Communist, any more than going to a march organized by Nazis makes you a Nazi." - Glenn Reynolds
CHICKENHAWK! Scourge of clucking hens everywhere!
Victory is the answer. There are no alternatives.
     Here we go. Evidence dump. - (marlowe) - (28)
         Return of old argument - (JayMehaffey)
         Just like I predicted. - (Brandioch)
         All the words - (marlowe) - (3)
             Just here is that "Rope-Limit" line NOW???? -NT - (folkert)
             But still, no physical evidence. -NT - (Brandioch) - (1)
                 I'm starting to worry about you. man. - (marlowe)
         Some pics from the briefing - (marlowe) - (3)
             What denials? - (Brandioch) - (2)
                 Those trucks were there to _________________________________ - (marlowe) - (1)
                     Drop off office furniture. - (Brandioch)
         I wouldn't bother with evidence. - (bepatient) - (17)
             You are a true believer. .... Remarkable. - (mmoffitt) - (12)
                 I said no such thing. - (bepatient) - (11)
                     Oh, I thought you implied there was "evidence". - (mmoffitt) - (10)
                         what I cant figger out is that you guys all agree we gave - (boxley) - (7)
                             Cite please? When did I ever say anything like that? - (mmoffitt) - (5)
                                 So you will admit that some may remain? - (boxley) - (4)
                                     Was wanting to have the the crime? - (Brandioch) - (3)
                                         No, it isn't the usage either. - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                                             IMO you are right -NT - (boxley)
                                             And tomorrow is another day. - (Brandioch)
                             Ditto. Cite please? When did I ever say anything like that? -NT - (Brandioch)
                         No...the statement was simple... - (bepatient) - (1)
                             Nonsense. - (mmoffitt)
             I would like some evidence, or at least justification. - (jbrabeck) - (3)
                 We must kill their civilians! - (Brandioch) - (1)
                     Don't forget grinding children's heads beneath our boots. - (bepatient)
                 Re: I would like some evidence, or at least justification. - (bepatient)

Cosmological belly bomber.
46 ms