Who's going to say that that conversation did NOT happen?

The Iraqi's? We all know that they're liars (except the Iraqi terrorists. they aren't allowed to lie).

"I cannot tell you everything that we know. But what I can share with you, when combined with what all of us have learned over the years, is deeply troubling," Powell said.
So don't.

Just share it with the leaders of the other countries and their experts.

But we won't do that.

Instead we'll talk about what info we have that we can't release.

He said the photograph showed Iraqi officials cleaning out the bunkers ahead of another inspection. Other photographs showed caravans of trucks at other suspected chemical weapons and ballistic missile sites just two days before inspections resumed.
And where did these caravans go?

Why weren't the inspectors sent to the NEW location?

And so on.

We have all this "evidence" of their operations DAYS before the inspectors get there.....

Why don't we just tell the inspectors and have them get there SOONER?