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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New I'm too lazy to Google at the moment, so
you'll have to accept my recollection. ;-)

Many/most of the free CD-RW software out there assumes a SCSI interface. In order for it to work with IDE drives, a translation layer is needed. That's what the ide-scsi driver is. It makes an IDE drive look like a SCSI drive to certain software.

At least that's my understanding based on similar drivers that were ported to OS/2. Corrections welcome.

New Re: I'm too lazy to Google at the moment, so
AnotherScott wrote:

Many/most of the free CD-RW software out there assumes a SCSI interface. In order for it to work with IDE drives, a translation layer is needed. That's what the ide-scsi driver is. It makes an IDE drive look like a SCSI drive to certain software.

And append="hdb=ide-scsi" limits the effect of that shim layer to /dev/hdb, as opposed to all of your ATA ("IDE") devices. Lets you address /dev/hdb as /dev/scd0, /dev/sr0, or /dev/sg0 -- if memory serves.

Rick Moen

If you lived here, you'd be $HOME already.
New Correct.
Also, you want the IDE drive to get grabbed by the SCSI interface before the ATAPI interface fully gets it (or something like that).

I had to do the same thing with my CD burner to get it to work. I'm with Rick on using all SCSI when I can, though, for reasons like this.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Does it mean
that if I don't have this spell in lilo.conf, I should still be able to use my burner? Doesn't look that way... I had to have that particular line, or "modprobe ide-scsi" had no effect. Also, since you seem to "Know Stuff(TM)", is there a way to achieve the effect of this line w/o rebooting? If no way, why?

We have only 2 things to worry about: That
things will never get back to normal, and that they already have.
Expand Edited by Arkadiy Feb. 5, 2003, 09:54:42 AM EST
New You need that line in your boot manager
In order for the scsi driver to catch hdb before the IDE driver does.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Re: Does it mean
Arkadiy wrote:

Does it mean that if I don't have this spell in lilo.conf, I should still be able to use my burner?


Doesn't look that way... I had to have that particular line, or "modprobe ide-scsi" had no effect. Also, since you seem to "Know Stuff(TM)", is there a way to achieve the effect of this line w/o rebooting? If no way, why?

I don't happen to know this particular stuff very well, because I make a point of not needing to know it. (I prefer SCSI, especially for CDRs.) But, if I wanted to look it up, I'd do so in the [link|http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/CD-Writing-HOWTO.html|CD Writing HOWTO].

I suspect you'll have to reboot because they kernel has already enumerated valid devices at boot time, and you can't convince it to un-enumerate them.

Rick Moen

If you lived here, you'd be $HOME already.
     CD burner and a general(?) question - (Arkadiy) - (6)
         I'm too lazy to Google at the moment, so - (Another Scott) - (5)
             Re: I'm too lazy to Google at the moment, so - (rickmoen) - (4)
                 Correct. - (admin)
                 Does it mean - (Arkadiy) - (2)
                     You need that line in your boot manager - (admin)
                     Re: Does it mean - (rickmoen)

I hope you don't mind if I don't read this. I don't know if it's going where I don't want it to be going, but if it is going there, I *don't* want to go there, so the best place for me to be is here, not there, and here is where I'm staying.
*puts on blinders*
*whistles very loudly*
*claws out own eyes*
103 ms