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New Does it mean
that if I don't have this spell in lilo.conf, I should still be able to use my burner? Doesn't look that way... I had to have that particular line, or "modprobe ide-scsi" had no effect. Also, since you seem to "Know Stuff(TM)", is there a way to achieve the effect of this line w/o rebooting? If no way, why?

We have only 2 things to worry about: That
things will never get back to normal, and that they already have.
Collapse Edited by Arkadiy Feb. 5, 2003, 09:54:42 AM EST
Does it mean
that if I don't have this spell in lilo.conf, I should still be able to use my burner? Doesn't look that way... I had to have that particular line, or "modprobe ide-scsi" had no effect.

We have only 2 things to worry about: That
things will never get back to normal, and that they already have.
New You need that line in your boot manager
In order for the scsi driver to catch hdb before the IDE driver does.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Re: Does it mean
Arkadiy wrote:

Does it mean that if I don't have this spell in lilo.conf, I should still be able to use my burner?


Doesn't look that way... I had to have that particular line, or "modprobe ide-scsi" had no effect. Also, since you seem to "Know Stuff(TM)", is there a way to achieve the effect of this line w/o rebooting? If no way, why?

I don't happen to know this particular stuff very well, because I make a point of not needing to know it. (I prefer SCSI, especially for CDRs.) But, if I wanted to look it up, I'd do so in the [link|http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/CD-Writing-HOWTO.html|CD Writing HOWTO].

I suspect you'll have to reboot because they kernel has already enumerated valid devices at boot time, and you can't convince it to un-enumerate them.

Rick Moen

If you lived here, you'd be $HOME already.
     CD burner and a general(?) question - (Arkadiy) - (6)
         I'm too lazy to Google at the moment, so - (Another Scott) - (5)
             Re: I'm too lazy to Google at the moment, so - (rickmoen) - (4)
                 Correct. - (admin)
                 Does it mean - (Arkadiy) - (2)
                     You need that line in your boot manager - (admin)
                     Re: Does it mean - (rickmoen)

I don't need to do a bunch of coke to be happy.
37 ms