Presuming that present court folk underestand the significance and maintain above POV:

Maybe too late for Be, but NOT too late for *all those dual-boot to Linux* distros just waiting in the wings?
Maybe not.. too late for Be and its new (bargain) owners?

Still WANLs (we ain't...) - perhaps there remain loopholes (?) within even the above litany: a virtual recap of the methods used *thus far* to enforce M$ hegemony. But you can never prove a negative.. so in the end, future enforcement of "the spirit" of the final remedies -- would appear to reside in a (some) single judge, who is dealing with a Parolee, and need not go back to square one.

Just maybe.. if not diluted into impotence - the above scenario will work. And, may prove more effective than any random breakup -- which I've always deemed analogous to metastasis. M$ IS a cancer by any subtle definition of both.

(Radiation therapy - nuke 'em - appears, alas, not yet an option. But I retain hope..)
