I don't know what the DoJ/States are thinking, here.

Tying is out, apparently. So, there go the claims about the Windows Media Player inclusion in XP, the IM in XP, etc. being an illegal leveraging of the OS monopoly to thwart QuickTime, RealMedia, AOL/IM, etc.

Apparently that's tying of the browser.

I think they want to reopen the case of the other issues, how that will play, I don't know.

I submit that even under your terms, Microsoft would be able to use its vast stores of $ to drag through the courts until the issue is moot (as it successfully did in running Netscape out of business).

But its not my terms, there.

You've got to have legal standing to press a case. If they're under conduct remedies, and they're found to have violated them - then there's not much they can do about it. There's no epic battle to the Supreme Court, etc.. because the upper courts won't take it.
