IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New KILL even WW 'General Filter'
Get box.

Killing the URL, size and various others - no dice.
So i cancelled the box. Got this error message:


Site Error

An error was encountered while publishing this resource.


You are not authorized to access this resource.
Traceback (innermost last):
File /usr/local/dev/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 223, in publish_module
File /usr/local/dev/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 187, in publish
File /usr/local/dev/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 162, in publish
File /usr/local/dev/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/BaseRequest.py, line 463, in traverse
File /usr/local/dev/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/HTTPResponse.py, line 588, in unauthorized
Unauthorized: (see above)

Then started adding back-in the filters:
Got them restored to nominal - and I STILL could get login box and did - as here.

And now - for now? - it works, at least the options and "Logged In" messages are there.

This phenom is *ONLY* here. Can't log-out (?) but I'll see later if it reproduces
:[ :-( :-| :-) \ufffd %^#*^@ Boolean nondeterminate ___
New OK - this works:
WW off entirely, to login - then on. 'Least worked today.

Sorry about the soap opera - but maybe if it comes up again with the filtering crowd (?) "turn-off to login" might be a good clue in Intro forum..

Maybe Zope is more anal-retentive about needing to have the forcible.framus/ID virgo intacta :-)

less cranky when the workaround doesn't need a recompile and a dongle..
     TEST of the persistence of vision - (ashton2) - (4)
         OK the Tecra logs in normally - (Ashton) - (3)
             THIS time the naked E-500 - (ashton2) - (2)
                 KILL even WW 'General Filter' - (ashton2) - (1)
                     OK - this works: - (Ashton)

This movie doesn't scrape the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't below the bottom of the barrel. This movie doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels.
37 ms