don't seem antagonistic toward Debian, seem positive about new projects using BSD as the base, and generally acknowledge apt's quality & utility. The one post I read concerned about Debian's co-opting of BSD by calling it GNU/BSD was delimited clearly as humor...
Ross, I don't use Linux because of an anti-business agenda - regardless of what Brett Glass says, or said.
I won't stop using Debian for political reasons, either. If thier politics compromise it's utility, that's another story. I'll be off in a shot.
Set up a *commercial* apt-based distro, distribute and make money 'for Linux', if that's what concerns you... You can, you know. The source is open - 'co-opt' THIER work. I don't get my packages from *just* debian, now. You can point the sources wherever you like. If your distro is better than Debian's, I'll use it.