Post #73,123
1/7/03 3:12:57 AM

Blah blah blah hand wave blah blah need rectocraniotomy blah blah don't know what I'm talking about blah blah can't accept it when wrong blah blah not going to install it because then i might like it blah blah blah insert bizarre comment about vendor UNIX here blah blah blah.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #73,131
1/7/03 8:36:56 AM

Talk about hilarious...
Blah, Blah, Blah.... Yackety, Schmackety...
You never cease to amaze me Peter.
[link||greg] - Grand-Master Artist in IT | [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] [link||ED'S GHOST SPEAKS!] | Heimatland Geheime Staatspolizei reminds: [link|,1382,56742,00.html|Wi-Fi Terrorism] comes with an all inclusive free trip to the local Hoosegow! |
Post #73,137
1/7/03 8:58:57 AM

As the resident multilingualist, I'll endorse that.
Post #73,170
1/7/03 11:30:15 AM

Debian is a hateful POS invented by ungrateful hackmeisters
..a miserable wretched doppelganger for the failed GNU/HURD project - and the fact that good people support shows how fragile is the veneer of sanity and common sense.
Post #73,171
1/7/03 11:32:22 AM

Trolling? :-p
Post #73,179
1/7/03 11:53:57 AM

No - I'm honestly disgusted
..the way I get disgusted with other hateful things, like Eminem and W and provel cheese.
As I've said, I can't exactly explain the revulsion I feel for Debian - it must be rooted in the fact that without the Linux kernel, these ideologistic wannabes would be pissing in the wind.
Post #73,181
1/7/03 11:56:01 AM

Let me give you a hint...
As I've said, I can't exactly explain the revulsion I feel for Debian ...You can't explain it because you have NO FUCKING CLUE what you're talking about in the first place. Go back to Windows, Ross.
Post #73,381
1/8/03 12:08:06 PM

Did you just turn 55 or what?
Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance - Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation. BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10
Post #73,385
1/8/03 12:19:33 PM

Not even close!
But what was the point?
Post #73,394
1/8/03 1:26:37 PM

Point being...
Lumping your dislike for Deb with your dislike for Eminem makes you sound...well...codgerially pedantic. "It's new! It's not what I'm used to [which, you might note, applies equally well to political as technical points-of-view]! I hate it! Get off my lawn, you crazy kids!"
Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance - Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation. BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10
Post #73,406
1/8/03 2:21:01 PM

Re: Point being...
I love new things. There are exactly two things I utterly can't abide:
1) Bad music 2) Collectivism
The cheese part was just for fun.
Post #74,808
1/16/03 4:54:29 AM

Re: Point being...
deSitter wrote:
There are exactly two things I utterly can't abide:
1) Bad music 2) Collectivism
"Welcome to the kibbutz. Here's your accordian."
Rick Moen
If you lived here, you'd be $HOME already.
Post #74,822
1/16/03 6:15:03 AM

Post #73,173
1/7/03 11:37:34 AM

Post #73,174
1/7/03 11:41:02 AM

Oh my, you are entertaining today.
And you've actually used Debian, in order to generate this informed opinion...?
Speaking of fragile veneers of sanity, indeed...
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #73,176
1/7/03 11:50:11 AM

Re: Oh my, you are entertaining today.
I can read a website. Linux is Linux, and attitudes are attitudes. Anarchy and collectivism suck. And co-opting someone else's work (GNU/Linux) is the worst.
Shudder. Shudder again.
Post #73,178
1/7/03 11:52:05 AM

Nope. I haven't used Debian. I can't speak with an informed voice about the issues you mention. I know JACK SHIT about what I'm talking about.
Thank you, drive through.
Post #73,182
1/7/03 11:56:04 AM

Here's a Bet, Genius
I've never installed Debian on ANYTHING - but I'm certain that if completely new hardware were plopped down in front of both of us, and some Debian media, I'd smoke you installing it. Linux is Linux, and I've been down the road of difficult installs.
Post #73,183
1/7/03 12:01:03 PM

Big farkin' deal.
Your dick is bigger than my dick. Who cares?
I'm willing to listen to reason and the experience of others. Many folks here have said that it's easier to use and administer. Folks with much more experience with Linux than either you or I have. Probably combined. Yet you still claim that "reading websites" makes you knowledgeable about everything about Debian, and you are therefore competent to make a technologically sound decision about it.
That may be true for yourself and your own personal machines. To the rest of the world, you are succeeding in only sticking your head in the sand.
This qualifies you to run Windows along with Billy-n-Bally. Run along and go play with your kind.
Post #73,188
1/7/03 12:34:36 PM

Who cares about installation?
And how the fuck did you turn this into a pissing contest?
Debian isn't about the installation. It's about the maintenance. Go install it. Use it. Until then, STFU about something you know little about.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #73,194
1/7/03 12:48:15 PM

It' Not A Tech Issue
I will not argue with you about tech. Why would I? You're a grown-up and know what works. I'm sure it works (because of the kernel they co-opted). This is about Pee Cee fucking BS and the "HURD" mentality.
Post #73,199
1/7/03 12:53:52 PM

I don't use stuff based on politics... have a nice day.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #73,240
1/7/03 4:38:30 PM

Re: It' Not A Tech Issue
Check out Debian/BSD.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #74,807
1/16/03 4:50:47 AM

Re: Who cares about installation?
Scott wrote:
Debian isn't about the installation. It's about the maintenance.
I hereby award this post the Right-fscking-On Award for Clue-Bestowing and Brevity.
Carry on, good sir.
Rick Moen
If you lived here, you'd be $HOME already.
Post #73,204
1/7/03 1:34:37 PM

Not to put salt into a wound...
But weren't you the one that Bitched Like heel when all you got were Symbol Problems... after a Depmod and tried to boot the new kernel you just built flopped? You continued to say Linux is Shit... it is just a Cobbled together pieces of Crappy un-related C source files with glue holding them together? (Slightly paraphrased, but generally the same) And further more, there is no way to make a "modular" kernel as fast as a monlithic kernel. (When in fact the "modular" kernel is in fact STILL classified as Monlithic due to the ways the system passes info)
It turned out to you *NOT* putting the correct in place... and you never really said thanks, to any of us, that did help you get the right pieces of info, to help you out. And the same one that recently started to want to build a machine "from the source up" and you have been pointed to Gentoo (excellent Distro BTW) and Linux From Scratch (another well documented system of thinking), and have recently also Bitched about RPM dependancies... Yet STILL use a Prebuilt RPM-Based Distribution?
Yes, these are small points, but they definately paint the picture for you. Please just take the time and download the First ISO of Debian Woody (3.0r1) and install from there... It's not as pretty(the install that is) as say SuSE or RedHat or even ManDrake... But it ends up giving you a "Base Machine" to work from. Tis nice. There are alot of things that need to be learnt... but nothing a seasoned warrior as youself can't handle.
It helps to allow yourself to Grow... I refused to use Debian in the Past because of my refusal to want to get outside my box. But, I'll say that since I now have a local Mirror of the Debian Archive (US, non-US and security)... I am waist deep into Debian and I am upto about the 85% area on the "RC" (resistive/capacitive)(laugh people that's a good pun) curve... If you get to the 70.7% mark... you'll feel alot better. You might even find alot of things you didn't realize...
[link||greg] - Grand-Master Artist in IT | [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] [link||ED'S GHOST SPEAKS!] | Heimatland Geheime Staatspolizei reminds: These [link||Civilian General Orders], please memorize them. "Questions" will be asked at safety checkpoints. |
Post #73,215
1/7/03 2:25:31 PM

Re: Not to put salt into a wound...
I said SuSE 8.0 was released too early, and that I had a bitch of a time getting USB to work correctly. I vented frustration at it, and then I fixed it.
As for dependencies, as long as it's a UNIX clone, it will have dependency issues - nothing will fix that, and you know it. That was never an issue. I solved the multiple kernel issue years ago on my old PS/2s. Don't know how you got that idea.
Post #73,238
1/7/03 4:34:53 PM

Re: Here's a Bet, Genius
I'd fuckin' OWN you, Mr "I can't figure out TrueType fonts".
Install the software. Run it.
Until then, shut the fuck up.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #73,241
1/7/03 4:38:54 PM

100 quid? We can arrange it.
Post #73,242
1/7/03 4:41:07 PM

Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #73,186
1/7/03 12:32:44 PM

Go troll your misinformed hatred somewhere else. Use it, or don't. If you don't, stop bitching about it. There's no mob mentality here. We tried it, we liked it. You haven't tried it, yet for some reason you think that qualifies you to pontificate. And co-opting someone else's work (GNU/Linux) is the worst. Co-opting what? WTF are you talking about? How is Debian co-opting anything more than RedHat or SuSE are? Debian is the DISTRIBUTION. The only thing different is 1) the form of the package files and 2) how they are managed. RedHat has exactly the same stuff in it, except you are paying for... nothing. A CD. RPM is open source. You're talking out of your ass and you can't admit it.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #73,256
1/7/03 5:23:08 PM

Simple response.
The ONLY feature(s) of Debian that make it so appealing to me are:
#1. apt-get install and I don't have to go hunting to find what .rpm has was stupid library.
#2. It is STABLE. Rock solid.
Now, the REASONS for those two items are fairly complex. They have to do with Debian's policies and the social interaction to maintain those policies.
There is NOTHING in Debian that CANNOT be replicated in EVERY OTHER DISTRIBUTION.
But they refuse to do so.
This isn't about Debian being freeloaders or whatever.
Debian places MORE restrictions and MORE requirements on their distribution than the others do.
Because of this, Debian is a better distribution (for my needs).
Again, there is NOTHING stopping ANY of the OTHER distributions from duplicating Debian's WORK.
But they refuse to do so, for whatever reason.