Yes, in the end - that's the stark er 'reality'. I'm addressing only the methods; no disagreement with the aims or the Fact that damn few under age [thirty ?] have the slightest inkling of the 18+year process they have initiated!
(All have seen too many ads with smiling baby, mother having tea party and a Yuppie mansion as background. Not the running negative bank-balance, as both work to maintain a 2-room industrially-overpriced hangout, with sirens in the distance. And BBFH (bastard baby-sitters from..))
Still and all - direct Power-confrontation simply has to be the Last resort after all calm, restrained discussion has miserably failed, even after near-bribery and other wiles.
That's all. Last-resorts create their own momentum which tends to create new, often petulant and irrational branches, to an already unfortunate morass :[