And both obviously experienced and intelligent enough to see the mares nest - anytime a particular 'choice' comes down to exercising power of one over the other.
Consensus is what all would wish - but that actually means.. that neither side gets All of the desired outcome, yet: finally agree that the compromise can be relatively free of festering resentment (no guarantees on that.. with time and next life experience).
However phrased, to invoke parental authority over (a) choice, reinforced by withholding (something previously provided) - when translated into emotional terms, as ever is the case - is bartering. Bartering 'continuing love', say VS 'continuing obedience'. It Will be taken such, however much 'love', by parent is defined as, "saving you from serious life-mistakes". Meaning well.. is the prelude to most fiascos we know of.
But as a matter of attitude, I guess I am of the school that all generalizations are false, including this one. Rigid application of any 'principle' produces the Authoritarian mindset and creates Repos and Righteous ones (always acting on some terrestrial or extra-t 'Authority', so as to pass the buck Higher, rationalizing their own ego-inspired Draconian actions).
Maybe the most malignant aspect of this attitude is the 'Certainty' with which the power is wielded, overlayed upon the Authoritarian one: One Way to live else *bzzzt* Wrong.
Kids of all ages through senility react to both A and C in similar ways, in my experience (of myself and others).
Ego does not Like other Egos taking power! The Gandhis of the world are ever careful to express their direction.. as far away from ego/ego confrontation as their wisdom allows. We could do worse than to emulate the Masters, no?
each case is unique\ufffd as is each person