That person is also more than welcome here... and is indeed a very colorful addition here... The events leading have caused mixed results...
BUT... I can say THIS one is a NO-Brainer... I'd do it in a heartbeat, and for the life of me... I have even lost the blood flow to *THAT* last nerve Scott still has living...
Let the MEMBERS have tools to use rather than the system itself implementing them *OVERALL*. It would be better overall if the least amount of tweaking is possible to by us. And as I said in anohter response, I'd want the "settings" to decay, rather than written in stone.
Probationary periods would also be good... with "confidence ratings" allowing more and more "privileges". Sort of a "peer review" rating system 'd be good to. With NO Peer have any more than a nudge worth of say, or 1 point either way out of 100 total ranking or somehting like that.