it requires cooperation at both ends.

C-o-D-C are familiar to me - back in 1998/9 when NetBus was driving people nuts & BackOrffice was introduced I downloaded both & set up a lab to play with them.

CdC were the ones who knew how to play it for publicity - but even they 'pinched' the ideas & base code from the Nordic inventor.

But back to Camera Shy - I still never did quite work out how it could be used unless the person hiding the data encoded it in images then you use Camera Shy to extract the hidden data

PS Today I am using RH8 gain (F*** Windows - what a vulnerable load of crap it keeps proving to be).

If this posts without blocking maybe I now have a way round the bastards who keep blocking my traffic.

If no added message after this then it got thru ok - a big post thismornig to the prior thread got blocked.

