Post #64,457
11/22/02 5:32:44 AM

Re: Lot better than I thought... All your fault, though! ;^)
(WTF do they DO with all those hundreds of megabytes?!?) They keep the HD manufacturers in business with them, of course... What are External Tables? The most elegant, IMO (and perhaps easiest), way of getting external data into your DB: just declare a table as residing not actually in your db-file/"table space", but in an external (flat ASCII) file. If you want to move data into the DB permanently (which I assume is a requirement in order to get more efficient indexing, and prolly stuff like referential integrity and so on), just do an SQL copy to another, regular DB-internal, table. You'll have to define field delimiters or column positions, perhaps line-end styles, and so on -- but at least you don't have to mess around with separate programs, which of course require that anyway (coughSQL*Loadercough), any more.
Hmm. I guess I would rather just use the [link||COPY] command and be done with it... Does Interbase have polymorphism/inheritance for its tables? Not that I know of... What is *that*?
[link||] Other interesting features of Postgres include the geometric types, user-defined types/functions/operators, and (one of the best things) the ability to use nearly any language you want to as a stored procedure (with a little extra work to integrate it first if it hasn't already been done).
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #64,466
11/22/02 9:37:28 AM

"user-defined types" - would that be SQL-standard 'domains'?
If so, then that (along with roles and views and Idunno what all) is among the many IB/FB features I neglected to mention. As opposed to UDFs, which IIRC I *did* mention... :-)
So what are you saying -- that Larry is collecting a percentage from Seagate, Maxtor, et al?
Christian R. Conrad Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time. -- [link||Andrew Grygus]
Post #64,467
11/22/02 9:40:59 AM

user-defined types
As in, write some external code with save/restore functions, etc., to make your very own new FarbleBanger base type.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #64,480
11/22/02 10:51:43 AM

Wow, cool; the FB dev list is only now talking about that...
...kind of thing. Or, OK, they've been mentioning it, on and off, for a bit over a year AFAICR. But it ain't there yet. (Also somewhat reminiscent of how to build TField-descendant object classes, for client-side apps that attach to different kind of DBMSes, in Delphi; those "save/restore functions" are analogous to the getter/setter methods for the AsString property.)
Cool to see that PgSql seems to have copied IB's basic "multigenerational" ("multiversion", in Postgres-speak) architecture, too. (Doesn't seem quite consistently pervasive, though.)
Yeah yeah, I'll lay off the bashing... If the freaking WORLD lays off the hyping! :-)
Christian R. Conrad Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time. -- [link||Andrew Grygus]
Post #64,481
11/22/02 11:04:29 AM

Postgres is really a research database
For trying out new things. People use it for the real world too, though. :-)
Some of the contrib items are pretty nifty as well, like the fulltext indexing I use here.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #64,491
11/22/02 11:41:26 AM
| frickin cool.
I am way too much of an LCD designer to ever use it but I can dream, can't I?
Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance - Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation. BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10
Post #64,494
11/22/02 11:46:22 AM

What, the inheritance?
Yeah, very.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #64,495
11/22/02 11:47:06 AM

APL as a stored procedure langauge - must investigate...
That is very hip, thanks for pointing it out (would never have guessed).
I'm so happy I could scalp someone. Mark Twain