This is Montreal Alouettes vs. Toronto Argonauts. Should be a good game... it's about halfway through the second period^R^R^R^R^R^Rquarter right now. Right now, Montreal's kicking ass, actually.

And for all those people who think Montrealer's don't appreciate sport 'cause of the Expos... right now the Big O is sold out for the game... about 90K people. That's the same venue used for the Expos. Mind you, during the regular season, they play at the Molson Stadium, which is smaller and outdoors. OTOH, it's my personal opinion that the CFL should mandate all teams have outdoor playing fields: weather is part of the game. That would make this a potential all-time great game... winter storm promising a foot of snow today. If it's blowing snow out, then the game should be in blowing snow, dammit; some of the best CFL games ever were played under adverse conditions like that.

Would also help the Canadian players stand out from the imports... I very much doubt that an NFL wannabe from Louisiana would do very well on a day like today;)