I'm not talking about what you and I have discussed at length. ;-)
Access has some odd behavior if you use its "bound forms" for anything non-trivial. In Access, the form itself is bound to a table (or an "updatable query) and Access itself decides when the row is inserted, if it's inserted and on every third full moon (as best I can tell) if it is inserted properly. With bound forms you have VERY limited ability to control when the rows are written or when to bail on an insert (indeed in many cases you CANNOT stop a write even if you try to). And it is VERY cheesy. The built-in Access menus to mangle data can be turned off, but in many cases aren't. And then novices can do stuff like "docmd.MenuItem.Delete" in the wrong places - worse if done through wizards which produce code that would make you whince even harder than you already do looking at VB code.
I could go on from now until I die, but I'll give you better specifics only if you're interested. I don't like to think about this very much ;-)
In sum, Access makes it appear easy to do a database front end, but if you don't know how it really works, you can get your self in jail very easily.