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New Sony always been good by me
The first color television my family bought was a 13"Trinitron, circa 1973, with a bonus my father earned before the mid 70's recession.

It survived three lightning strikes (cable television didn't have as much protection as it does nowdays) and 20 years. They finally put it to bed 1990 or so.

The Sony I bought in 1980 went bad 17 years later; some sort of color imbalance, figured it too expensive to fix.

Granted, today quality miight be lower. Hell, probably *is* lower. But compared to the other television brands I've had experience with, it's still doing pretty dang good. Maybe Toshiba is a good buy. But the sony won't be *that* much more expensive.

(jeez, am I suffering brand loyalty or what?)
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
New Sony WEGA
..for analog TV. Unbeatable sharpness, dramatically so. Compare letters side by side with any other TV.

Bigger is not better for a low-res analog picture - *brighter* is better. After about 27 inches the surface brightness of tube TVs falls off. I still prefer a 20 inch TV and it takes up little space.

My Dad let me build us a TV from a Heathkit in about 1975. It was far better than store-bought TVs with a solid walnut cabinet and a completely enclosed metal case. Heavy as a spinet piano. I can still remember my hands shaking as I plugged it in for the first time...my Dad had a lot of confidence in me :)

     Dying 11 year old 30" Toshiba TV. Recommendations? - (Another Scott) - (18)
         cynical, buy 2 15 inch sets both<$225.00 - (boxley) - (1)
             Oh box oh box - (wharris2)
         Sony always been good by me - (wharris2) - (1)
             Sony WEGA - (deSitter)
         Depends on local repair talent.. - (Ashton) - (1)
             And if you choose this option - (wharris2)
         Re: Dying 11 year old 30" Toshiba TV. Recommendations? - (andread)
         Ahh, PiP with cable - (drewk)
         Fix It! - (deSitter) - (8)
             No 'scope, etc. More importantly, no time. :-( - (Another Scott) - (7)
                 try looking at where the cable comes in with the cover off - (boxley) - (2)
                     I think you're on to something. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                         Dry-joints and dodgy connections. - (static)
                 Heh.. scopes? I got scopes. - (Ashton) - (3)
                     ya got spare scopes? - (boxley) - (2)
                         Umm best use my add - (Ashton) - (1)
                             No gap no Space - (boxley)
         Start reading - (tuberculosis)

It applies to so much...
51 ms