My seven year old is reading Harry Potter books, has his own AOL Kids account and now is finding the movie trailers, TV shows (Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokemon), and music online with ease. He doesn't hold candle to Scott's kid, but I'm proud of my son, too. Multiplies and divides, reads at a 5th grade level.
I joked to my wife that I would have him writing Java, Delphi, or C++ code by age ten and she cursed me. (Not ANOTHER programmer in the family! Don't we have enough already!)
My daughter, age 6, would rather dance to a song, draw on just about anything (she was spanked for drawing on the carpet last week).
And then, there's my youngest, age 2 1/2. He's my "people person" until sees candy, then he's a 2 year old monster. Loves Bob the Builder, Elmo, and his teddy bear. Finally outgrowing Teletubbies... Yeah!
Then there's the dog. Self sustaining continuous energy source. If you could harness the power of the tail! Picture on the left of your screen. 1/2 beagle, 1/2 german shepard.