(Schmidt (?) - the ex M$ ""Security"" VP now in DOJ employ, I mean - if that's his name.)
Never mind (well, I appreciate that folks here Must Mind..) the mere Borg assimilation of any remaining conceivable competition - extrapolate next:
A CPU S/N tied to Passport by-any-stupid new name, with all the built-in preps for S/Ns on Everything (accessory) legal to be sold = no cut & paste w/o an individual permit from 'author' == death of US access to the former phenom called The Internet. Petabytes of 'security' info monitored=controlled by M$ or lapdog surrogate.
With the NOISE of a bellicose Rightest-possible Wing group drowning out the outraged, small knowledgeable group left here; a junta ready to defy the world and invade perhaps several countries.. Add-on the gutless Demo clan, the utter unlikeliness of any 3rd Constitution Party.. Sprinkle in the daily panic propaganda orchestrated over the sheep -
Not only may there be only a M$-controlled remnant of a "computer industry"; one with M$-devised sanctions effectively rendering all OS source access to the net illegal if not impossible: the merely devastating US bizness losses may be dwarfed by a fact of most information management becoming solely Corp-owned in the US. (Instead of just Mostly-Corp-owned)
And that's only what appears obvious (to me anyway) immediately; I'm sure I haven't noticed a plethora of variants.
This woman may prove to have been the most destructive Lackey yet - producing more devastating effects than even Scalia's lap-dog. With this mandate, I see no easy escape on the horizon - given the attitude of the vast majority, their ignorance of the consequences - and the current panic mode.
'Democracy' was a noble idea, and it lasted barely a couple centuries. That such a banal bunch of barbarians were able to seed its demise - is the shame of our National insouciance in all worldly matters.