good link but the more I read the more errors I see
Why is it that the US is concerned about Iraq getting nukes when we don't seem to be as concerned about Pakistan or India or Israel? Why are we willing to invade Iraq to prevent it from getting nukes, but not Pakistan to seize the ones it developed? It's because those nations don't embrace a warrior culture where suicide in a good cause, even mass death in a good cause, is considered acceptable. (Those kinds of things are present in Pakistan but don't rule there as yet.)
Pakistan is a nation comprised of a thin vineer of the Raj on top of the Northwest Frontier. Perhaps they get a pass because of their commonwealth status, but make no mistake the hill tribes can get nasty once they get rolling, there is enough Englishmen buried about the place that can attest to that. Their arms manufacturing ability is world reknowned and tribalism is their defining trait, not religion.
We will be the primary target because we're the most successful. It's as simple as that. And that means that this ultimately will be a unilateral war by us; we're the ones with the most on the line. If the Arabs eventually do get nukes, the first one they use will either be against Israel or against us. It won't be against Europe, and if more conventional terrorist attacks continue, the most damaging ones will be directed against us. We will pay most of the price for this war, in staggering amounts of money, in losses on the field of battle, and in death and destruction at home, and therefore any talk of unified multilateral international action by a coalition of equals is nonsense. The other nations won't risk as much and won't pay as much and won't contribute as much and therefore deserve less say in what will happen.
nonsense I expect and predict that the first nuke by terrs will be in europe or eastern europe. There is enough anti euro sentiment as there is anti american sentiment. With almost all euronations making predatory attacks on guest workers a national sport resentment is high and the fear factor is less, they know we WILL use a nuke. After hanging about with the brits during the last century they know they are stone killers. The french has the bomb and has blownup groups in 3rd countries like NZ so they might be leery but the Allemagnes do the most damage to guest workers and are fearful of housing or using nukes, look to them for the first one.
* Restrictions on the free flow of information.
* The subjugation of women.
* Inability to accept responsibility for individual or collective failure.
* The extended family or clan as the basic unit of social organization.
* Domination by a restrictive religion.
* A low valuation of education.
* Low prestige assigned to work.
* restrictions on the free flow of information
China, DC law enforcement on the sniper, FOI act gutted here. Official Secrets Act commonwealth. Corporate media
* The subjugation of women.
Depends on the subjegation. Taliban bad. But have personally disported with Persian, Afghan, indonesian etc to know a couple of things, in public it is massa who rules behind the scenes the woman rules with an Iron vulva, machismo is just another word for not admitting PW in public. Dont believe me? Ask a korean man wether it is harder to get a wife to be quiet or spend money, come back in a day or two and lead the confused man home. INTHANE!!!! back me up here
* Inability to accept responsibility for individual or collective failure.
ROFL! no comment needed
* The extended family or clan as the basic unit of social organization.
Can you say mafia, triads or iwethey?
* Domination by a restrictive religion.
In certain periods when the University of Paris had 14 books and the Caliphate of Cadiz spain had a mile long street of book sellers there was 2 dominent religions and only the muslim had a need for science
* A low valuation of education.
Underclass America, this is entirely not true. I have met Saudi's at different learning institutions and they are eager to learn as any FSU freshman
* Low prestige assigned to work.
every culture in the world snobs out the working class, remember Union wars? Why communism was embraced to get away from the "ruling Class"?
There is a real problem that cannot be resolved with either religious or culture wars. A war is needed not to change a culture or a religion but for better men to overcome the narrow prejuidices of the inward looking man. A global version of a cross between the French Foreign Legion and the Peace Corp is needed. Total dicipline, working to assist poverty in lands not their own. Part of the black/white thing in America is because the forced draft does not force crackers to be bunked next to homies and work together. Peoples vision in this country has narrowed to where both cultures(in Brandi's case colors) are afraid of the other.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]
"Therefore, by objective standards, the leading managers of the U.S. economy...are collectively, clinically insane."
Lyndon LaRouche