so long as humans run in sycophant packs, are easily frightened into servility, give allegiance to chimeras in the Sky (each one Different yet *each one* Right-eous.) Oh and bellicose - did I mention the great essay on Why Men Love War [By another Burke: James F. Burke] ??

Meanwhile the Language shall be raped, the cant shall become more surreal and .. the unconscionable Repo cabal in power: shall not listen to any outside commentary except to 'buffer' same, spin, rinse, blow-dry and .. continue the drum-beat.

With 20,000 nukes in their security blanket and the bagman a room away.
Theme: Noboby fucks with Paul Lazzarro!

Hail Columbia
Hail Leader
Heil Leader
Heil F\ufffdhrer

Ich spreche kein Amerikanische